
LOL. Not that old. The server I mentioned above was almost ancient when I was working with it, and that was 15 years ago.

That’s good stuff, but my absolute favorite is a Dr Pepper float. We have a bottler here in Texas that makes Dr Pepper with cane sugar instead of corn syrup, and when you combine that with some good, rich vanilla ice cream...Yum!

Now I know that everyone has their own tolerance for risk, but it seems a bit too conservative to completely disregard Craigslist or other “in person” selling options. Simply be upfront about your expectations (price, payment method, the proper wearing of masks when meeting), make sure the buyer is serious and not a

Now I know that everyone has their own tolerance for risk, but it seems a bit too conservative to completely

Pepsi milk ? Ummm...yeah, maybe ? But why not just make a Pepsi float with good vanilla ice cream ? Same idea, but nicer.

My favorite was a piece of rejection feedback” I got from the recruiter that “They felt like you and the hiring manager were too much alike.” (both hiring mgr and I were obvious middle-aged white dudes). Nothing about skills, experience, etc... anything job-related. Just that. 

Members of Congress are also chosen by election and thus, most of them are terribly concerned about being re-elected. 

Yeah, I know. It’s just the (slight) inconvenience of driving to Fiberine in S. Calif. to get it done ;)

LOL. This is the answer for many thing...

Well, if they replace it, I hope they don’t screw it up.

How about if GM gives me what I want ? The Chevy Express/GMC Savana is a tough, well-proven full-sized van. I just want GM to design and build a high roof version.

Conversely, it also served a great purpose in identifying those “who want and expect men to be persistent, jump through hoops, and really work for it...”.

So go host your deplorable sh*t on a server you own. Why should I (if “I” were AWS, for instance) be forced to do it for you ? Get a few semi-competent IT people together and it’s almost trivial. 

The Philosopher Karl Popper explained the whole “Intolerance of Intolerance” issue quite well. I suggest going to look it up...

Claire, I....I think I love you.

The Type IV is my favorite old school VW. One of my “win the lotto, bucket list items” is to own a pristine rebuilt Squareback with the “manual automatic” transmission. Or heck, send that Squareback to Zlectric and have them turn it into an EV... 

For 90+% of the money: Introduce myself to Bill Gates and Warren Buffet, and get their advice on the logistics of getting the most bang for your buck from charitable donations. A key point would be how to do this with minimal involvement from me (I’m sure there are people in the world who’re much better at this than

The only time I’d ignore this advice is with some Unix servers. At an old job of mine, we had a Sun server running SunOS (a BSD-style Unix, that they sold prior to the Sys V style “Solaris” OS). This machine ran an internal web server and had a trouble-free uptime of more than two years.


Probably going over Wolf Creek Pass (SW Colorado) in late Nov. one year. Had the chain station open so you had to put on snow chains or turn back. Basically blizzard conditions at times where you couldn’t see more than a few car lengths ahead. Ended up following the tail lights of a semi in front of us most of the

“Virtue Signaling” = coded language for a conservative complaining about other people coming up with ideas to make things better that they themselves don’t like. ‘Cause freedumb! and ‘Murica! 🙄