
Who freakin’ cares if Billie likes boobs or not ? I know several straight, cis women who will freely admit they like boobs, much less anyone else on the L, B, T, or Q part of the spectrum. Heck, maybe some gay men like them, too - just never thought to ask.

I like the idea of an electric truck, but it would be much better as a delivery van for local use. Amazon, Wal-Mart, etc... would use it enough per day that the savings in fuel & maint would cover the extra cost vs. a Promaster, Transit, or Sprinter.

For edge cases of “the beauty of living in the USA.” 😆

Agree. I live in the D/FW area which may be the center of the “male enhancement products with ridiculously large grills” universe, and they make commuting several times as irritating as it needs to be. One occupant (99% of the time a white male in their 20's to late 40's who lives in the ‘burbs), driving aggressively

Thank you! My wife’s name is Karen and she’s nothing like these women (and really sick of hearing the “Karen meme”).

“...people flaunting how selfish/inconsiderate they are while MILLIONS of people have lost loved ones is just....inhuman.”

Oh man...every Hispanic person I know thinks the “latinx” thing is silly. And to be honest, it’s disrespectful of the Spanish language. Spanish has gendered nouns, so use them. “Latino” or “Latina”. 

Well, for this Episcopalian, the tree should go up on Christmas Eve and be taken down on Epiphany ;) But my formerly Baptist wife over rules me 😁 🎄 (it goes up the day after Thanksgiving and comes down on Dec. 26).

If this is based on 2019 income and I, like a lot of people, were laid-off in 2020, is there any recourse ? Or are we still “too wealthy” somehow ?

Yeah, that’s part of the problem. The states have wildly varying laws and regulations around this. States with Democratic govt’s (rightly) make voting as easy as possible, as it’s a fundamental right in a democracy. States with Republican govt’s try to make voting as hard as possible so that the “wrong” kind of people

This sounds...good. Heck, anything to help make bourbon palatable. By itself, the stuff tastes like solvent used to clean a gummed-up crankcase. 

Came here to say exactly this. We owned two of these things and except for the plastic body panels, they were “meh” at best. Darn things ate water pumps and alternators, too...

LOL, yeah - that’d be a factor 😆 It would be like me never having a crate around the house that used to hold grapefruit...

I opened a new one this morning: Cafe Du Monde Coffee and Chicory. Not only do I like this style of coffee, but it’s usually a really good deal at the local Asian supermarkets. 

Best description of Gabbard I’ve ever heard. Take your star.

as the gender sex they were born” There, FIFY.

No such thing as “physical gender.” Sex is the biological term you’re looking for. “Gender” is a psychological construct (which is just as valid, but it isn’t the same).

Oh Good Lord, Tulsi Gabbard...the deplorable “gift” that just keeps on giving. 🤢 🤬

If media consumption is all, or mostly, what you care about then I tend to agree with the Kindle Fire suggestion (as long as you’re willing to live with the “not quite as nice screenof course, not that it’s terribly worse).

If media consumption is all, or mostly, what you care about then I tend to agree with the Kindle Fire suggestion (as