
Never complain, never explain.

These cars always performed better than their rated specs. I figure that the mandate means VW’s “fix” can bring performance down to EPA and advertised claims and remain in compliance.

The August, 2015, NADA value LESS further depreciation calculated by mileage.

No, you cannot mount a Urea tank in the trunk or any area which is designed for owner access. Urea is toxic, and the same type of rules apply as the gas tank. To add Urea to the older 2.0 cars would require installing a smaller gas tank to make room for a Urea tank and associated pumps and plumbing. Pretty much

Lucky for him it was a Honda scooter. If it was an Aprilia or Yamaha he would have been in violation of his contract.

I have a semi-old Ducati, a 2006 749, one of the last of their hand-made superbikes, and I have owned several Hondas, including a near-classic CB400F. Your 450 is a great bike, but nothing on two wheels compares to the Ducati when it is on song. It is a beeyatch to keep it going, but it is God’s own motorcycle.

That won’t happen, Marquez has been given stern warning behind closed doors not to pull a stunt like that. Still, he is pretty crazy.

Exactly so, says his team, it is necessary to test the absolute limits which is what happens in final Qualifying, although I wonder what his tire choice was. If Lorenzo wins the race with Rossi in second, Rossi still wins the title. I wonder if Lorenzo checks out from the pole and Rossi fights back to third like water

History is against JLo here, only twice in history has a second-place in points rider swept past the points leader to win the title at the last race. Ironically, one of those times was in 2006 when Rossi crashed out at the same track (Valencia), allowing Hayden to take the championship. Hayden had been taken out by

Insurance fraud is when you torch a property that is insured for more than it is worth PLUS the costs and risks associated with the crimes, which would have been ridiculously off the charts high in this case.. The car could be legally auctioned for ~$2.5M, why would anyone concoct a scheme to hire some break and enter


Dani learned the hard way when he knocked over his team-mate and championship contender Nicky Hayden. Nicky went on to take the title in spectacular fashion while Dani suffered years of hatred from USA fans.

Motorcyclists should be trained to recognize that the road is a hostile environment and that all cagers are potential mortal enemies. I rode in Chicago for many years, where little old ladies will sight you down and stream across six lanes of traffic TRYING to knock you over. And they have a guaranteed get-out-of-jail

Because they test for Hway mileage at 55mph. The little turbo-gas motors and Prius-type hybrids get great mileage at 55, but the power requirements for driving 75mph destroy the mileage because you are now operating at high rpm’s. The diesel has so much more torque that the increased speeds in real world driving do

You’re missing the point. What prompted me to pull the trigger on a 2012 TDI was the CLEAN diesel technology, i.e., the fact that the car did not require messy, toxic, expensive Ad-Blue urea injection. It turns out that CLEAN diesel was a hoax, and is what the cheat enabled. Now they are (probably) going to force me

But the cheat was well hidden in the code, lots of higher-ups signed off without figuring out that there was stealth cheat code in the PCM. It would be impossible to risk a whistleblower exposure if more than a few execs knew about it.

The link for the MT article is broken just like the intercooler, but, judging from the photo the answer is obvious: MIATA.

The reason there are so few shag wagons left on the roads these days is because there are no longer any women left who would consent to fulfill the only purpose of such a vehicle. Unless you can afford the $60k+ cost for the modern equivalent, you are not going to get any circa 2015 female to wriggle out of her

It can’t top in the trunk, or in any passenger area, cause urea is corrosive. Just like they cannot put the gas tank in the trunk cause flammable. It will have to go under the car, and it won’t be easy. To mount AdBlue in the newer cars they had to take out the multi-link and replace it with a torsion bar. I ain’t

no one needs your right-wing bs inflicted here. clinton might also have said, truthfully, “eliminate the deficit” so stfu.