Really? Like what? Do tell!
Really? Like what? Do tell!
People breaking isolation orders, caring for the vulnerable in the community, stopping violent and gun crime, street racers and stunting on public roads, etc. Lots more pressing concerns than a guy going a tad fast on a wide open empty road. Most speed limits are draconian and laid down I the 1960s anyways.
It’s going to be properly cold soon, and that nasty white stuff is going to start falling from the sky. There is a…
I agree...from the article-
He was committing suicide, not using violence against civilians to further an ideological objective.
In other words it was a suicidal guy making bad choices but apparently trying to not put anyone else’s lives at risk. But way to generalize!
You’re entirely entitled to your opinion but please understand, you’re wrong.
I know it gets thrown around a lot and nobody gives a shit anymore but....
Interesting, and also. I do not care.
I do not assume Klan every time someone replaces a c with a k.
Let me guess, liberals will be applauding the death (murder?) of this man because of his disgusting thoughts and vile hate speech, but they will cry & protest the death of a minority who has committed a dozen felonies in his past (including violent felonies) and died because he was in the process of committing another…
Jackie Chan gets a lifetime pass on bad movies for being Jackie Chan.
If you want to pay less money for brakes that are not as good might I suggest a used Subaru
The title of this is “Guaranteed Not-To-Happen Predictions for cars in 2017.”
No, please, no!
It’s called mount stupid.
Maybe they’re looking for something more grounded to the ground?
The Pelican’s Grief
People that want to learn how things work.
Let’s not pretend supporting Hillary is a noble act here, buddy