
You’re responding to arguments that I never made! If you need a loan, like I did, you should get one. If you can manage to pay cash, do that. This was a post working through my own feelings about having had a loan. It’s not terribly complicated!

Sadly, your username isn’t “LittleRedMissesTheFuckingPointEntirelyDude”.

That’s what I don’t get here. It’s not like he even got a bad rate. I mean it’s not an amazing rate, but it’s well within the realm of reasonable.

Living in Weehawken, NJ and commuting to midtown by bus, I spend about $1,400 per year taking the freaking bus on commuting so less than $900 a year in a comfortable, private car doesn’t seem so bad. People who take the train from places further out in NJ spend over $4K per year on trains so again, $900 is not bad at

So $2600+$854 for depreciation and interest on loan equals $3454. That means you had reliable transportation (a necessity for your job aka your income) for four years at $863/year. I’m ignoring maintenance and insurance, because those costs have nothing to do with the loan. Also, buying used means you saved money on

Username checks out.

You don’t seem to understand ‘investing’ or ‘opportunity cost’

Isn’t America an amazing country? Total strangers loaned you enough money that you could buy one of life’s necessities at less than 5% interest.

I don’t think your thought process makes total sense. The car would have depreciated the same amount whether you took a loan or bought it outright. Basically, you paid $835 in installments for the ability to buy a car right away.

You forgot the best one!

I have always wanted, since learning about the Confederacy, to build one of these with Old Glory on the roof and call it the General Grant. For the lolz.

No it’s not, but thanks for proving my point.

To be fair, it is actually racist in every single context - as much as people want to try and pretend it’s not.

You are on the wroooooooong web site.

I stated elsewhere that there was no car I could think of that I wouldn’t buy solely due to the stigma. Well, I thought of one.

Because it is never too late to go full douche on the whole program:

Tthe seating position is way too terrible to drive one of those things regularly.

I know it’s cool to Jalops, but a big manual BMW just isn’t cool to like 98% of the population.

I would love to own a Donk. I fear that a pasty white dude such as myself would be mocked mercilessly.