
Until this happens, because it didn’t, here’s a nice picture of a non autonomous truck slamming into a row of parked cars.

Which is the same split in anything in life where people either align with better ideas or with better self interests.

As it is usually the case with semi

Removing the massive diesel engine of a traditional semi makes for a shorter nose.

All us guys were teenagers once, we’ve all had a semi in the wild.

A little bit, and there was no sales tax. There was a deal on the wine, though: 15 percent off for 12 or more bottles.

I was wondering if you maybe had to restock the Maybach’s liquor cabinet.

It’s not... not the trip I was referring to.

Was ... was this the trip you refer to?

Then pretty much ran into the road to avoid it all. Thats when I really puckered up.

It doesn’t even matter what his actual speed was. You can be going well below the posted speed limit and still be travelling too fast for conditions.

It’s entirely an up hill battle to get anything done.

From what I’ve read, that infrastructure money is on ice.

The whole northeast should. I sold the Mrs’s Maxima and got her an SUV with over 4x the sidewall because I was tired of getting that thing aligned, popped tires fixed, and rims straightened.

You can see by the recording that the guy was going too fast for the conditions. WTF does he bother denying it for? Forensics can calculate it to the tenth of a MPH.

Just two different brake designs for the same model? Pppppffffttt...call me after you’ve owned a half-model year Saab and had one of the calipers seize up 800 miles from home.

Please, for the love of God, do not stop saving for your own retirement to pay off your mortgage and save for your kids’ college expenses. Yes retirement is likely a ways off in the future, but time is exactly what any good 401(k) or other retirement investment account needs. You can finance college expenses if needed

Do not worry yourself over paying for your kids college. Your retirement takes priority, then your non-mortgage related debt, then your mortgage. Saving for your kids college falls somewhere below paying for cable.

Please, for the love of God, do not stop saving for your own retirement to pay off your mortgage and save for your kids’ college expenses. Yes retirement is likely a ways off in the future, but time is exactly what any good 401(k) or other retirement investment account needs. You can finance college expenses if needed