You thought you had it?
You thought you had it?
Clean hit, and certainly not an elbow. Didn’t launch himself. Hit him shoulder to shoulder. Was already going for the hit while Orpik still had the puck and contact made a split second after the shot. Looked worse than it was because of the careening into the boards, but guys shouldn’t have to fight in response to…
Most Swedes do.
A double gin and tonic in the clubhouse.
I think the craziest part about Mickelson’s shot is that Pelz could have stood like 2 to 3 feet closer.
This is the biggest disaster involving a caddie since Stan insisted Sue Ellen Mischke try on that bra.
She said “fucking retar-”, I believe.
I think you may be going to the wrong website for your needs.
I’m willing to bet most of these people who disapprove of your opinion on the matter, Jason, are those who don’t live somewhere it gets cold enough.
I watched while my DIV I football team won two national championships in football and one in basketball and built multi-million dollar facilities for teams we didn’t have yet, all while they closed down my graduate program, the library put a short hiatus on buying books, and we were dangerously close to losing our…
So, he’s the Hamilton Nolan of Buffalo?
I know you are joking, but when that shit flies off it can hit the vehicle behind it or a vehicle 10 cars back. Shit, I’ve seen ice sheets fly off and go into oncoming traffic on the opposite side of the highway.
I saw a tip about wrapping a microfiber on the brush, then use it on paintwork.
Ice cleared from the windshield
I hate the damn minivan and SUV drivers that don’t clear the 6 inches of snow/ice off the top of the vehicle. And waiting for it to fly off at 60mph on the highway and smashing the drivers behind you does not count as clearing it off. I won’t even mention the 18 wheeler jerks that don’t clear ice/snow - they should be…
But it shit a brick.
More like Range Roller amirite?