
kill yourself

kill yourself

kill yourself

kill yourself

Two major reasons.

I’m sure they’ll enforce this with all their under-13 viewers as well

Love that a major video game company is making money off of selling artworks of Nazis in 2019. Very classy.

Hey, look at the bright side! The “But muh Historical Accuracy” crowd will surely be okay with this, right? After all, the name was historically inaccurate to the real life Anti-fascist hero and changing it would be a good thing!

The myth of the “clean” Wehrmacht is a myth. As is the "we didn't know anything".

I guess in their attempt to not offend anyone, they basically created a game more closely resembling fantasy than history. Hell, Tarantino’s purposefully twisted fake history in Inglorious Basterds was more realistic than whatever the fuck Battlefield V is.

Would an “elite” high profile soldier be part of the Werhmacht though? That sounds more like SS material than Werhmacht to me.

I don’t think the legal department was consulted before that statement was made public. If you trespass and leave personal property on the land where you are trespassing, the land owner isn’t illegally in possession of your property.

Oh, they’re there; they’re just not ossified yet.

Where do you read that in the article? You literally made that up. He tried contacting them and all of the proper authorities. No one did anything so he took matters into his own hands. NOW they want to resolve everything with no problems. No, they can pay for allowing their employees to park on private property WITH

Weird fact: babies don’t have kneecaps

I think $65/day is cheap and the company should pay and move on as opposed to looking bad AND causing gov to step in and start writing laws like they usually do.

In this instance, I’d make my friend get my car back. More generally, I’d explain he situation to Mr. Smith, offer an apology, and remove my car as quickly as possible. I might also offer compensation for any damages to his private property. Ya know, be a good neighbor.

The Tow company probably won’t take it because they’re not confident the city towing laws cover this scenario. Usually when tow companies are towing illegally parked cars it’s either at the government’s behest or because they have a contract with the property owner to do so. When they have such a contract they’re

First born or just go for the kneecaps?

anyone attempting to extort our business by holding our property illegally