
This is very much a production I’d either like to happen or just die once and for all. This has been in talks since I was in high school in the 90s and honestly it’s become old. I just opperate under the assumption it’s dead.

i really want to meet the studio execs who still think this will be a good idea. even after they witnessed the trainwreck that was that awful ghost in the shell movie.

Saying that there’s no excitement in watching teams fight for 4th place, which is worth like $5 million when compared to 5th, is like saying that it’s not exciting to watch NFL teams fight for wild-card playoff spots because there’s no way they’ll win a Super Bowl.

Not every race is going to be an interesting story for the ages. We’re lucky if we get 1 race like that per season in ANY series. Hell, the same’s true for most sports.

“I haven’t been properly invested in a season of F1 since 2012...”

You can’t use logic with an Apple user. They drink some sort of koolaid that makes them think Apple products are better. They aren’t but you can’t convince the fan bois of that.

Same age range, plus I find texts to be MUCH less intrusive. If someone’s working they can check a text on a free moment or a break and send a response, there’s no time sensitivity there.

You and me both (except the iPhone part).

6:30 is when I leave the house and I have an hour long driving commute. Maybe I want my SO to wake up to a nice message? It’s not like I freaked out over anything, but my normal morning texts were being bounced. Not the end of the world by any means, but it was an inconvenience.

If you’re any representation of the iOS userbase as a whole, apparently the world doesn’t suck quite as much as I thought.

I’m almost 40 and I don’t like calling people.  The phone part of my iPhone is it’s least used feature.

If someone in my life is stupid enough to have brand loyalty to any device (be it an android or an apple) to the extent that they judge who’s worth “keeping” in their life, that’s the person I really want to get away from. You seem like an insufferably shitheelish judgmental prick and I feel bad for anyone who has to

The irony of calling someone else stupid when you can’t even figure out how to use a fucking apostrophe correctly should not be lost on anyone.

Hey, take a shot of bleach and calm down. 

Sure, I’ll call somebody at 6:30 AM while they’re probably still asleep and wake them up just to say “I love you”.

Yeah, except her accuser is a woman. So, if anything, the lesson here is women aren’t even really safe from harassment when their boss is another woman. 

getting sexually harassed by women to own the libs is the epitome of weird flex but ok

Are you ok after that ridiculous reach?