
seriously, i don't even read the comments on game articles anymore. Can you guys make a ConsoleDebate sister site, ConsoleTaku or something, for these jerk rags that like to compare tech specs so much?


super interesting, great post

If you have to play only using sound, will you need stereo/5.1 to be able to accurately make decisions and play well?

batman would've stopped him

so wait, "progress through the story and the numerous (!) side quests will grant you experience points to spend in your three (!) skill trees"

is this an ad for every RPG, ever? it's like The Game With Nothing New In It

best quote:

"It comes with a map...My God."


great article

I've been playing Eternal Sonata lately, and I've come to appreciate the way they do the monster encounters. The monsters are visible on the map, they walk predictable routes, and most have a pattern that the player can use to easily avoid them without fighting (if their back is turned, say). Or, you can attack them

What's cool in the Aveline DLC is that it just feels natural for Aveline and the DLC's second female character, Patience Gibbs, to banter as they make their way through this mini-adventure. We're getting a fun (and briefly flirty, surprisingly) buddy adventure featuring two likable female characters. I'm already

sweet trailer bro

Now playing

for me, this is what multiplayer gaming is all about. running into people and making the game as interesting for each other as you possibly can, usually with good taste/humor.