good article. if every review is expectations vs. delivery, it makes a lot of A- games look like C+'s.
good article. if every review is expectations vs. delivery, it makes a lot of A- games look like C+'s.
at the "bored" joke, i've never seen conan laugh that hard. well done.
re: "less-is-more" mentality....
Patricia, patricia, patricia...
Yes, yes...Piper. Agreed.
nothing wrong with having both. but yeah. if you dont have a console, you're missing out either way.
also a good one.
This sounds like a Time-Warner issue. Anyone who has ever had a TW account knows they routinely have service issues, and don't solve them very quickly. Usually this is related to an infrastructure problem though, i.e. downed power/cable lines somewhere, a brownout or blackout in some weird location. Any news of that…
@mike_ray I think you win this one.
it's the roller that opens the vents. cmon people.
awesome. just....awesome.
yeah man, i was working on the same thing but i got stuck
that is not a yeti.
i like fiori pasta.
this. is. awesome.