
There is a show already about the area...

y’all need to stop acting like Pacey wasn’t the superior choice.

Yeah, a lot of my upstate friends are griping that such a small geographic area essentially won the NY primary for Clinton, without also acknowledging that over half of NY’s population lives in NYC and Long Island. One friend of mine posted the primary results map and said “this is why we wish that NYC and LI were a

Yeah, the Founders did believe that political parties were and evil corrupting influence on politics during the Revolution. They wrote the Constitution thinking the politicians would be more interested in representing their state rather than political ideology (which is why we have such weird laws about state power),

its that sort of sexist bullshit that we all have to fight in droves. Women make up half the population. We make up the majority of voters, keep the faith.

You realize that map makes it appear that he won NY when he actually had a resounding loss, right? If you can’t win in the most populated areas of the state, sometimes it doesn’t matter if you win 90% of the other far less populated counties - nor should it.

So superdelegates should ignore the part where Clinton is ahead by 2.5 million votes in the popular vote (more now, what with New York and all) as well as in pledged delegates and do what you want because... well. Because you want them to, basically? That makes a ton of sense. So much for all of that talk about “the

As opposed to Kansas, Idaho and Alaska, those well-known bastions of liberalism....

At this point it honestly wouldn’t shock me.

This! If this is what they call “revolution”, it’s a pretty damn lazy one. The base of the democratic party consistently vote for Hillary. Bernie gets Millennials and white men. Millennials are completely unreliable voters, who never show up to the midterm elections. White men are not the democratic base. Demographics

I can almost sort of agree with Bernie supporters to the extent that the October deadline is a bit extreme, but at the same time, I’m sick of him characterizing every undemocratic aspect of the primaries that benefit Clinton as some sort of massive voter fraud, while touting and crowing about victories that also came

Every time he loses, Bernie Sanders alludes to voting “irregularities.” When he wins, mostly caucuses, which are not very democratic in their own right given that most people can’t have the time to participate in them, not so much. The Democrats dropped from NY rolls would be favorable towards Hillary. Because Hillary

So if someone wants to waste their vote on a republican and not on the candidate they actually want to win, go for it.

Idk, while I understand your feelings, and am also an independent (not American) voter, it kind of feels like when a deadbeat dad only sees his kid at Christmas then gets confused about why he doesn't have a say in where they go to college. Personally I feel like I don't take on the responsibility of being a party

I mean, I understand why it is the way it is. I just think every person registered to vote should have a vote. The end.

Bernie is becoming a hypocritical dick with his double standards. I like his policies but he’s a tool.

Did anyone watch Bernie’s campaign manager, Jeff Weaver, on MSNBC tonight? He basically said even if Clinton wins both the pledged delegates and the voters, they are going to take the fight to the convention. If they succeed I will still vote for him, because what are my other choices, but they are still openly

And congrats to you for your ideological and moral purity. Enjoy not being in power, because that allows you to maintain such purity, and that is clearly important to you.