
To summarize....

Double post

7.) "SUVs are saver and better in the snow"

@bfghemicuda: I guess reading is so last year... " others with the powerstroke and the fuel-saavy 3.11 rear end saw as high as 29.2 MPG (!)"

@layabout: What part of "turbo engine positioned longitudinally" leads you to conclude "no doubt fwd" ??? Read much?

"engine positioned longitudinally"

@Wes Siler: True Wes. AWD helps you get UP the hill in the snow, but does nothing for you coming down the hill, around the corner, and stopping at the stop sign at the bottom of that hill.

@Six Flags Over Tomsk: Right. The 4-cyl engines can generate their own, the 6-cyl can't produce enough. I won't buy a 6-cyl TD until they figure out a means to self-generate enough, or let me piss in my own tank.

Best article ever! Of course, I would say that...

Where's the Merkur? #topten

Aside from the 3 guys in Australia that visit this site, how is this "the best news we've had in weeks"? Might as well tell me Ford is re-introducing the Cosworth Sierra, but of course, only available in Europe.

This is a pretty old story. We talked about this car on another forum a couple months ago. I'm betting it's gone by now, but I want to say it was in the Charleston area.

How innovatively excellent...

Anyone know the color code for this car? All searches for "McLaren F1 Orange Color code" take me to the "Papaya Orange", which this car certainly is not.

What about Bristol and Martinsville?

What's the latest on the T6 Ranger being developed in Australia? That's the one that replaces the Thai Ranger, and will, in all liklihood, be the one we get in the States.

Count much?

My understanding is that once the NTSB finishes with it, the US Coast Guard is going to take posession and turn it into a patrol boat. It's already passed the sea-worthiness test, so the certification should happen pretty quick.

Jalopnik wrote...

On behalf of The Merkur Club of America Congratulations Rick!