
What’s the difference b/w a garbanzo bean and a chickpea?

Fuck Megyn Kelly.

She’ll always be remembered for her “White Santa” racism.

OK. I’m confused now. Who is “she.?”

Jezebel commenters, I need a ruling on the “c” word as relates to Megyn Kelly. I will abide by your decision.

Truly, the irony of this bitch saying that Jane Fonda was pulling a “Poor Me” routine by going the most petty as possible route is really something. Like, I had no idea Jane Fonda was even saying anything about Megyn asking her about her plastic surgery until Megyn fucking brought it up in this segment!

Yeah, she went peak Mean Girl on this one. Deciding to hijack the show to fight your own personal battles...

There goes ol’ Megyn, sucking up harrrrd to seduce that precious Fox News 65+ Aggrieved White Male demographic again. Toxic bimbo. Dance for the organ-grinder, Meg, dance dance dance.

Why is she even bringing this up? Because Jane recently did? When did we start having to respond to every.single.comment.made?! ffs

Hey Jane Fonda! ........Who the hell is Megan Kelly?

Megyn Kelly is punching above her weight class.

Hiding behind “vets”...a favorite tactic of the American scoundrel. Megyn (God I hate spelling that name) had her chance to do something for her country, but instead she played along and tittered along with the fat orange gasbag. She has all the integrity of a raccoon rummaging through the trash.

Megyn Kelly had a good point about her right to bring up plastic surgery while interviewing Jane Fonda. However, she totally fucked her point by ranting, bringing up Vietnam and making it all a personal attack. Jane, if you don’t like certain questions, don’t go on shows. Megyn, if you don’t like how some people react

I’m officially sick of crazy people. I mean, can they please just stop being so fucking weird? If it’s not a meglomaniacal president it’s a house of horrors if it’s not a house of horrors it’s pointless monologues.

This entire thing reeks of insecurity on Megyn Kelly’s part.

“My general philosophy,” she says, “is that whatever people think of me is none of my business.”

I already liked Jane Fonda a lot, but now, somehow, I like her even more! Thanks, Meg.

Jane Fonda has been called worse things by better people than Megyn Kelly.