He literally had a golf ball size chunk of his frontal lobe removed in 2010. The part of your brain that deals with judgement, impulse control, and other things related to his actions.
He literally had a golf ball size chunk of his frontal lobe removed in 2010. The part of your brain that deals with judgement, impulse control, and other things related to his actions.
Harvey! Harvey! Harvey the Wonder Hamster!
Eh. I love Metal Gear and Hideo makes great games but his story telling ability is insanely overrated. It’s the equivalent of a 13yr old writing a story where “and then the dinosaur werewolf fighter turns into an eagle!” type shit happens. Death Stranding uses weirdness and the unexpected to provide the illusion of…
I got sober through 12 steps/AA (however I am not dogmatic about it or think that is the only way as some in the AA community are and do). What is interesting to me is that what he is doing actually does mirror the 12 steps pretty closely.
I know you said you are tired of dicks but there is a Dr. Richard Chopp in Austin who does vasectomies. He really missed an opportunity to name his practice Dr. Dick Chopp’s Dick Chop Shop.
If he is lying my theory is that her parents were two of the Jedi trainees that Kylo killed in the temple. He couldn’t bring himself to kill a baby and so he dropped her off on Jakku. It explains why he freaks out in TFA when he hears mention of a girl on Jakku (Girl?!? What girl?!?!) and also why he would lie to Rey.
If you have enough speed mass doesn’t matter much. You could have taken down Snoke’s cruiser with a baseball as long as it was going lightspeed or faster.
If you haven’t seen the (fake) menu from his restaurant you are missing comedy gold:
Mayonnaise is the devil’s condiment.
So I wonder if there are repetitive actions where you could use this robot to farm currency:
You obviously don’t live in the south if you think that is an urban legend. The pavement gets extremely hot in 100+ degree weather. This is one of the reasons cities are usually a few degrees warmer at night than the surrounding countryside. All that pavement soaks up the heat during the day and radiates it back out…
I visited China in 2008 and it is crazy how much they love KFC over there. They are everywhere, like Starbucks here. I saw multiple places that had KFCs across the street from each other. They consistently had lines in all of the KFCs I saw with people even waiting for tables to open up so they could sit.
I think we should differentiate between comments made in ignorance and comments made in hate. Ignorance does not make it right at all, but it should moderate our response. At least I feel it should, don’t mean to speak for everyone...
Look I don’t agree with the point Mike is trying to make, but I gotta step in here and say you have gone to far and are starting to accuse him of things he did not say or imply.
“Still, it’s really gross that you want to pit black and brown people against one another when we’re trying to commiserate together. I guess…
I am really hoping the result is as such:
Mayweather pops Connor a good one and it momentarily confuses Connor who forgets where he is and he responds by delivering a devastating roundhouse to Mayweather’s face. Mayweather drops out fucking cold and Connor succumbs to the initial punch, falling on top of him out cold…
I can provide one spoiler for the single player campaign that will absolutely turn out to be true. At some point in the game, a character named Robert Darden will be killed. At the very least we will find a mention of his death in a lore pickup.
The real life Robert Darden is a professor at Baylor University and his…
That doesn’t mean he gets to deduct 25k from taxes owed, it just means he doesn’t have to pay taxes on the 25k. So yes, it does affect him if he loses the 25k.
So I understand why the extra 8.8km/s delta-v you need to get to the sun is a big deal in that it requires significantly more fuel you have to lift off with, but once you are in space shouldn’t getting to 8.8km/s be relatively easy? Without being at the bottom of a gravity well and having atmosphere to deal with I was…
Actually, they aren’t. Did you know the founder of Blackwater is Betsy Devos’s brother? And he of course has Trump administration AND Russian ties:
Actually, they aren’t. Did you know the founder of Blackwater is Betsy Devos’s brother? And he of course has Trump administration AND Russian ties: