
/insert "Yes Baby" meme gif here

I was wondering how they'd actually manage to make Archie a compelling character in what should be his own show and they went full superhero-origin story out on the ice. Damn.

Depends on if Chris Wood survives this season of Supergirl… because Chris Wood would immediately be a plus for this cast (who are already pretty great).

Yeah, I have no idea how the F this works. And I thought Dallas and Goodwin already said they were gone much earlier this year?

Do you need to start a "Wednesday is the Best" thread on this every week now? <3

His… wait for it… wheel-of-cheese house?

I said to someone else above, that I just feel like they'll go "full Fallout" and just kick her out — she's too destabilizing at this point.

Yep, I've been having this thought since they introduced the bunker. With nuclear radiation, for sure, coming and the bunker being the only hope of humanity's survival — I've been thinking they're going "full Fallout" and doing the ending to the first Fallout as the resolution to this season's storyline…

They'll just watch Lifeforce on HBO like I did…

Yeah, but they're engaged in real life…

Everything there is so close to where I stay when I'm in YVR, and where I wander in Gastown.

TV By The Numbers has it at 75% and the more likely of the last two shows to get a renewal if only one does.

What killed me is during the reveal and her yelling at Blaine for needlessly holding up curing Major and Liv…

I wonder if Baccarin's contract basically says "I get to yell at my future-husband for 8 minutes per episode!"

It always seemed like this was going to go the way of Castle — ABC sort-of hedging of a new season, with the possibility of reboot, and then cancelled with an actual ending. Except that in this case, the people actually like each other, and the planned "reboot" wouldn't be as totally and completely insulting as what

Well, I mean that and that amount of money being deposited (even into a business account) without accounting for the fund sources or previous capability is almost certainly going to generate a SAR (Suspicious Activity Report) and an IRS form from the bank… :p

Yeah, I actually think Lonnie is the biggest ticking time-bomb at the moment — considering he knows he screwed Chuck with Dake, but Dake didn't do anything with it (on orders from above)… he can get BOTH USAs (Southern and Eastern) in hot water…

Dollar Bill's reaction was *amazing*. I just loved that and shows he wasn't bullshitting last week when he gave Taylor the $250K, both to the audience and Taylor. Bill's ride or die Axe (and Axe Capital) and if Taylor's the best call to keep it going it's "What can I do to help?"

I just loved the show went in the direction of him being STOKED he had a kid instead of douche-bro. "That's awesome" was amazing…

The Devil Inside
The Devil and Me
Angels and Devils: Lucifer in LA