
I swear, the kid busting out the drawing and saying it was of "mommy killing Denise" just killed us. We had to pause for five minutes, we were laughing too hard…

I do too, but the songs were surprisingly good/charming (no pun intended) and then I found out those guys wrote First Date, which was an utterly-charming Broadway one-act musical that worked almost probably solely because it starred Zach Levi and Krysta Rodriguez…

I've thought Capaldi was the best NuWho Doctor for me for a while, and I love Bill because it allows him to go back to being smart again. Clara seemed to dim his intelligence somewhat, imo.


I just think it's a bit odd that the story had Luna "drown" Roan… something he could theoretically survive, even after the cuts, rather than being run through…

Octavia, Kane, Jasper, Monty, everyone left at Arcadia, the folks sent to get the supplies and Murphy/Emora…

I assumed the weapon was Bruce's clone…

As a fellow PoIer I often wonder if we're getting close to "This. Fucking. Show." territory… probably not yet, but it's amazing we can even be asking ourselves if we should ask it after S1, right?

In re: Mace's death… it was the Mace-construct that led to Mace's death in the non-Framework (i.e. real) world.
Could ANOTHER construct (say, Ward? Radcliffe?) be downloaded into that body?

It'd be a really interesting dynamic (though obviously one fraught with unfortunate racial implications), if Mac's daughter gets ported out in a body made for AIDA…

Yep! That was exactly my interpretation — he's baiting the hook with an IPO, to see if Axe uses what he did with the Churchill books (get inside information on Chuck and buy it out from under him) on Cool Ice. The meaningful glance at the Cool Ice IPO binder after "… but we can't know that…" was the tip-off for me.

It's specifically the full-on white supremacist haircuts. It's a very specific style, which is why it's almost exactly Spencer…

Yeah, I read this and I'm hearing the publicists going "Hey, those people who voted in this election for a transformation to Gilead ASAP may want to watch this show too, so let's cool it with that talk…"

I loved that joke so much and laughed so hard, I had to pause. I was cracking up for at least a good 30 seconds with some crying…

I was desperately trying to figure out to which bad movie adaptation they were referring, since it seemed to be ODDLY specific (plus a "she's too timid to be a Hooded Warrior" or whatever) — but I had a 6:55 am flight this morning before we watched it and I can't think of it…

Not only that, but here's the thing I don't understand: Bram knows, FOR SURE, what happens when rebellion of this sort happens. Literally the entire work camp — and a three-block radius or so — was entirely annihilated by the occupiers.

Yeah, I didn't see Broussard standing there when Will gave him the look… I saw Will silently mouth "Thank you" and Broussard give an almost-imperceptible head nod… I think everyone's finally aligned on getting the gauntlet and getting the hell out of Dodge…

Yeah, I'm not a huge fan of violence but when he ordered the soda and then realized the kids were gone I'm all "Now break the bottle and stab him…" and then it happened, so I turned to my girlfriend and said "That was oddly cathartic…"

Yeah, the best part of Katie dropping all of those Red Hats whilst saving the kids are the individual looks:

I'd assumed it was Ember since Eliot got banished *immediately* after deciding on democracy as a way forward for Fillory as High King…