
I've missed Ravi is the Best, so yay!

I mean, I called it as soon as he slugged Nadeer, but I started cracking up because I realized it's actually a *brilliant* way to completely subvert expectations in The Framework.

As I said elsewhere, fit RIGHT in with their creative and inventive use of end cards over the years… :)

I'll actually defend Chuck, since I believe the kiss worked. And Jeffster playing Take On Me…

Since Zerstorer had green eyes (blue/yellow) and wanted Diana (purple - blue/red) and Kelly… I kept waiting for a hidden reveal of orange eyes (yellow/red) to make the triumvirate whole…

Monroe's nerdy exposition, culminating in the explanation of the other shoe dropping.

Especially with their habit of awesome end cards I shouldn't have been surprised, but it was awesome…

Yep, even just with Adalind I knew a reset was coming — but Rosalee sealed it. Just nooooooooo way that'd stick. It'd be How I Met Your Grimm series finale at that point… :p

Oh, Grimm, you went out as you came in — charming, just a bit half-baked, and wearing your heart on your sleeve. And I loved every minute of it.

I made the mistake of watching this episode on a plane. I had to literally shove both hands on top of (and into) my mouth so I wouldn't laugh too loudly for the other passengers when "I love you, Winston" came up…

Doesn't it sort of have to be: "Polly… you in danger, girl!"

The best thing is, I'm watching him with that instrument in his lap and my ONLY thought is… "What the fuck, is he going to sing The Rainbow Connection or something?"

The son was the best he's ever been with that Revenant joke!

It's true. It what makes "Enemies" so good — combining my love of "fuck you" endings to fully-forming the final sides for the final arc — Faith's totally gone.

So… are you trying to say that there is some sort of connection between Ben and Glory?

Yup, The Mayor was definitely the best — and a large part of why S3 was my favorite overall, as well as having some of my favorite eps in there.

So… you're saying that Ben has some connection to Glory?

He's also doing his own thing, and was a co-founder of a pretty experimental theater group; we caught their thing at the Irish Theater Festival here in NYC. Bears in Space. A puppet show about bears (actual bears) in space.

"This time, you're the only Superman we need."

I dunno… I kinda liked this ep, as it seemed to be getting back to basics? August appearance? Getting Regina back on track? Getting Emma back on Savior-track?