
Well, besides MPD — there's also the "as far as he knows," since who knows what an extraplanar version would look like (either Astral or Mojoverse)?

I loved pregnancy rabbit because it was actually how it was done in the past:

Yup! The whole "she's… sick!" thing being repeated ad nauseum was just nonsense to me, if this isn't the case, especially since the Coopers now have direct access to Blossom money unless something happens to Polly or the baby before it's born…

I also sort of assume Jaha's not an idiot, and knows they need to rig the lottery if it comes to it.

That's the first thing I noticed… the sunglasses. About as overt a reference to her still being in the wrong as one could imagine…

Except maybe they've been playing up the sex because a pregnancy by the High King has impact on Fillory…

Honestly at this point, the only twist that would actually be shocking is if Annalise actually did kill Wes. Anything else seems somewhat par for the course…

Only the one (I think)? What we're seeing is Fitz's Framework — where his "perfectly non-perfect scenario" is having him and Gemma vs. the world, with a potentially unsolvable problem…

See, here's the thing… no one was really alone *except* Fitz. Gemma was with the other guy the entire time; Quake showed up (with powers) whilst Coulson was with Ivanov, then Coulson immediately went to Mack (who was with Mace) and then the three of them were together.

But… Buffy was the one who literally jumped the shark (demon)…

I have no other explanation for a look like this:

I'm not… entirely sure we can rule this out as a totally lethargic episode though. There may be more going on here than we've caught, and at least a couple of new pieces of information which reinforce previous theories.

It's never not funny. I even preface it with a "You done messed up…"

Yep, that's what my take was too… but that seems like a bit of a Longshot…

Looked more like Mojo to me… but that's a bit of a stretch (or maybe not)?

I had the same thought re: #7. I mean, it makes absolutely ZERO narrative sense unless the entire fucking town is gaslighting Betty, but it really seemed to be a *plausible* scenario in the pool scene…

I'm not the biggest Megan Fox fan, though she gets a bad rap a lot of the time, but that line plus her "I have so many questions…" about Robby's male twirling obsession were two of the best line deliveries in this episode…

It's weird… I like most things better from Magnolia other than the cupcakes. Icebox cake bars, peanut butter toffee bars, and banana pudding please!

Yep, double Zach action this week (SHIELD / The 100).

I really like Hannah's motivations though, and the fact that he legitimately appears to detest violence, including against others even in service of his goals, if it can be avoided…