
Honestly, I'm going to be massively disappointed if the finale doesn't involve a LINE UP against Savitar: Flash, Kid Flash, Jay Garrick, Jessie Quick, Killer Frost, Vibe, Gypsy, and Gorilla Grodd…

Only if he tried to say it like Anthony Hopkins though… >.>

Both of those are amazing, but I'm just more pissed he won't be on The Last Ship any longer because, as entertaining hot mess as that show is, I liked his character the best… :(

I think that's a commentary on the "shipping community" since it's frequently like that, which *was* the actual joke… :p

Yes, I was wondering the same thing… everyone's focused on Chloe-as-miracle bit, and what it means for Lucifer, that no one's asking the other question:

Yeah, I was gonna say "Sleeping with a patient" is basically Numero Uno right there, even if it is the Devil in Tom Ellis' body… ;)

Of *course* Monroe would defuse the situation with Rosalee by going into the actual history of the phrase "waiting for the other shoe to drop."

I don't think that's right? I think only the supernatural beings without defined forms (like the Goddess of All Creation becoming Charlotte) needed to find a form, until it's killed, and then move on.

Yeah, Genisys at least *owns* it's time-travel fuckery shenanigans which makes it somewhat more enjoyable than Salvation.

"As in… I wonder what happened to the One-ders?" is my go-to line…

Was it just me, or was anyone hoping Maze was hanging out with Trixie as her "friend who helped me" for those two days? The flashbacks would be glorious…

The cyborg potential love interest for John!

Irisa showed up in the first episode of Killjoys this season, so hopefully she'll become more recurring!

I haven't cried this much for a series finale since… Babylon 5? Maybe The West Wing? Considering, as LaToya says, this was as perfect a series finale (and those are the only other two I've significantly watched or cared for) that also stuck the landing like this, it makes sense.

Handle it!

The Yankees fans know him too! Also doesn't hurt that my girlfriend is a Sox fan, so she was excited when I told her…

Ditto for me. And of all of the shows to keep going… Hawaiian Air must be REALLY subsidizing…

Yeah, the only real interpretation — given the external statements — was that Castle was going to survive and Beckett was going to die… but then they went "full Harry Potter coda" for the ending because they at least wisely filmed *something else* besides that ridiculous cliffhanger ending for the whole series…

But… in the books, or history, didn't the First Men and Children actually come to a peace accord on their own in the first place? Meaning the creation of the "Others" (what Humans would call the White Walkers) was totally unnecessary?

Yeah, I actually started laughing at "he's from this land" because I knew exactly where they were going, but I agree they should have left it just with the "he's from Connecticut" part.