
Well, he feels that taxing is unconstitutional, but that there's no reason to deny a man or woman their livelihood because they have to work for less than minimum wage in a tipping economy, natch… ;)

I'm a little surprised that Phil didn't end with a "Melissa was right!" before the necessary "Oh, farts…"

I was desperately hoping she'd tell Sir Davos "I executed Stannis Baratheon, but don't worry… that was in the past too."

I still use "pee pee!" to this day… so right there with ya…

I'm glad you covered the Ruby/Bow interaction:

Coneheads is *seriously* underrated, imo, so I'm right there with ya…

I totally agree. It was, quietly and very unexpectedly, the most subtly moving part of the episode and a perfect culmination to that story.

Ya, I've been amazed that no one — not even the two very, very smart people on the show — have even managed to come up with the solution from the show Forever… I mean, that's just simple elegance…

Yes. I kept facepalming the entire time.

I'm actually wondering if they're not setting up something else… the Hades and Persephone story with Hook and Emma.

Also, on the plus side, this more or less conclusively proves that Meisner is not playing both sides against the middle, with him being the one who let Black Claw "steal" Diana.

I'd actually thought they were going with Azrael, but the mother twist has a lot of good possibilities, as well as another compelling — but evil — female on the show next season.

But other Watch were, and survived, on the ships.

Even beyond that, this is one of the failings of the episode "Hardhome" — which was an AMAZING episode of television, but absolutely terrible to the narrative they're telling.

Right, so this episode totally doesn't actually clear Meisner in the "playing both sides against the middle" portion of whether Hadrian's Wall and Black Claw are two sides of the same plan.

There's like a zero-percent chance that Zuri isn't Black Claw. I mean, the bigger shock at this point would be if she's not and all of the questions were a misdirect, since I don't think the writers have been particularly good at "sneaky" foreshadowing… :p

I'm just assuming the pod is Power Girl until further notice (so we can get a fourth "Kara" cast). Though I like everyone's suggestions for Krypto, even though that's a Superman thing… :)

I think next week's angel team-up is going to give us the cathartic ass-kicking we wanted from the episode with his wings-at-auction. I'm looking forward to a ridiculously insane finale next week…

This was exactly what I was coming to post. Diana's reappearance puts everything we've seen in a whole, potentially very bad, new light — in that Hadrian's Wall, and Black Claw, may be the same thing.

I know! My mind was blown when I read that here… I mean, Regina King's already so talented, adding another skill shouldn't surprise me… :p