
It took me a while to figure out (also, that their "college fight" in the college visit episode were actually their real colleges — Howard and Brown).

*TOTALLY* was not expecting the whole "zombie utopia" thing. And it has some pretty neat plot dangles — as it's unlikely that they were turned by bad utopium / Max Rager combo, which means zombieism has been a) around, b) known, and c) under military contractor control for some time.

Since this was episode 22, I had a horrible thought this was the cliffhanger for the season finale… but no! One more episode!

… and Cat is clearly lampshading that she knows who "Kira" really is, I'd think…

Hurrah for Lucifer coverage!

Yup, I am desperately hoping Red isn't dead…

While I thought the end scene, with them on the phone in bed, was the best part as the reviewer also states… I also felt it was a little more ambiguous?

I'm glad I wasn't the only one who had the "new wife is the killer long con" theory!

Us too!

I had thought it's because she just HAD their actual baby and wasn't available for filming, but they don't want an actual baby on this show?

"Anyone else get major Spider-Man and Spider-Man 2 vibes from the scene in which the National City residents stand up for Supergirl?"

Totally was the line of the night, I agree with the inestimable friendly, neighborhood Spider-Man.

That fake argument is such a trope, but this one was soooooooo well done it had me cackling out loud…

Some apparition we were *told* was Neal said he was at peace and moved on, at least… ;) (though given it was the 100th episode and the actor is on another show now, probably true!)

"I don't really know what Snyder thinks, but judging by his career he's either an incredible misanthrope or simply has an uncritical, banal view of what he's making."

I've pointed this out, but it's simply not true and these are the numbers:

I hadn't even known about the casting, or seen the twist coming, but I knew INSTANTLY when he made that *sound*…

Wait, there's a connection between Jay and Zoom?

I loved the lampshade-hanging on the L&O reference…

My problem is whenever I see something filmed in a stripclub, or folks talking about it, and it's filmed in Vancouver I can't not say… are we assuming it's Brandi's?