
His "I am not a shrimp; I am a King Prawn!!!" in Muppets From Space was still his finest moment…

The original theory that I've seen in the Pilot episode comments section is still in play: one of the twins is good, and one of the them is the terrorist!

Did anyone else get the feeling that Kelly's head in a box (Step 1: Cut a hole in the box…) looked like it was going to tell Nick something before he startled awake?

Yep, felt exactly the same way. No body, mysterious creature and door, Bitsie still in the opening credtis (which could be a one episode thing, as she was prominently featured)… just felt like "Please… please don't walk this back…" to me.

We sure are dropping the anvils on hybrids, as mentioned by Davros, this season…

Ha! I was the same way! I said to the gf "I was right on the twist, just wrong on the timing…"

The only effects we've really seen are from the Pilot though, which are generally of a lower-quality in most cases and should be spruced up with a network pickup budget. I hope.

Unless she's Zoom and just saying that as a cover… :p

That was a really excellent episode.

Random thoughts…

I honestly think the best reaction may have been Rosa's chagrined look as Amy was explaining her whole plan and how she one-upped both Holt and Jake…

In re: Phil's brother. My supposition is that they've set-up the whole "shed was solar powered" bit so that they'll eventually actually get something lit with electricity which he'll see from space, and land in the ocean next to them…

Ya, this episode was really excellent even with the Leonis plot just somewhat there as a plot-device.

One of the things I'm really liking about the show is that it knows how to economize the characters who aren't the focus in the particular week's episode.

I find the show is interesting in those contradictions; Asher is clearly a douchebro — but he's still the best person on the show from a moral standpoint and very endearing that way. He's totally non-homophobic, and totally non-rapey, both of which should have been default characterizations of his character but

“Men lie. It’s all they’re good at.”

"Like a metahuman who can make someone's head explode from the inside!"

On top of that, it is also theoretically in specific replacement for the mango yogurt which we've heard so much about…

Next episode is "Halloween III" — I CANNOT WAIT!

So, one of the things that I immediately thought of, in regards to the second chip, is that we're meant to think that when Ashildr finds someone she loves she's supposed to give that person the second chip, so they can be together forever…