
Honestly though, whilst I agree with you, the "Whyyyyyyyyyy?!?" really was enough and still enough for biggest laugh of the night for me!

Just having this conversation over the last week: I'm a Yankees fan, so naturally — as a good NYer — now that the Yankees are out, I'll root for the Mets.

I'm secretly betting that The Doctor's "last will and testament" is actually a compact-like device holding another bracelet to bring Danny back from Heaven, because based on the conversation in this episode The Doctor realizes where she's heading (to her death, since she has nothing else besides him) and his last wish

I really liked that they used an actual deaf actress for a deaf character; that was great! Also, that it sort of continued the "I speak baby" / "I speak horse" jokes while flipping it because "I speak sign language" got replaced with "I speak semaphore!"

FYI, to all who have ridiculous issues with the BBCA feed here and the speaking volume compared to the music volume (i.e. “what did they say?”) I found that today by disabling all good aspects of a sound system — and just putting the speaker output to basic stereo — seemed to resolve the majority of the problem.

As Angel shows, there's usually just a bucket involved…

It really was perfect and, honestly, the line without the sight-gag of his face wouldn't have been nearly as funny. I loved his "panicked realization" face…

I know that a few of us picked The Vulture as the best choice for new captain in order to mine the potential comedy out of the current scenario when the season finale ended last season… but it's still funny even now that it's the reality! Can't wait for that development…

Sorry, this show hasn't hit quite the THIS. FUCKING. SHOW. quality of Person of Interest yet (h.t Meander, if he's here) but that's because it's only barely into its second season. I hope it makes it to five though, I love watching this show!

+1 for poor sound issues on BBCA (at least my Time Warner East-coast feed). Suuuuuuuper annoying!

That one I knew! (and I do joke about that too)

That truly was the line of the night!

So I've loved this first season — and that finale really was amazing — but I was floored the whole time as to how "Jonathan Groff" (who's like the whitest guy on TV) was an EP on the show and directed this episode which was an amazing history lesson… but now I'm led to believe it's not that one, but a different one!

This is what always made sense to me for the most comedic value. There are totally any number of cameo / guest captains they could do who would be funny, but this would be hilarious…

I swear I don't know if I've laughed harder this season than "You're under arrest! This is a work event!!!" I mean, this episode was basically everything I love about the show — and one of the funniest episodes for me this season — but that line just broke me via my funny-bone…

I honestly had a momentary bit of worry when Trubel was having the phone conversation and thought this was a whole "triple agent switcheroo" and Trubel / Juliette had arranged the whole Diana-to-the-Resistance thing — not realizing Kelly would be killed — and that's what they were going to try and use to walk back

Wow… I mean, it was the only logical end to this story but I still kinda can't believe they actually did it.

It'll actually be 103… :( I was hoping for a The Gift-like symmetry with Episode 100 being the end and a finale of awesomeness…

Goodbye to Revenge — just about as fitting an ending to the show as I think they could possibly manage, given the writing on the wall -> cancellation, even if a couple of things were a little rushed I definitely liked where it ended!

We've actually seen growth there this season! Boyle's title for Jake's autobiography was much better and Jake acknowledged it! Would Rosa do that for Amy yet? :D