Okra Winfrey

… in league with Star Whackers!

For me, it's the best part of a new Gotham episode, getting a new riddle here in comments.

With an adobe brick!

One thing I don't get: The show twists itself to give characters what appears to be an exit (home planet or at least bench them till sweeps) but then we get them back almost immediately. Barbara could have easily been written out—but NO. It looked as though Fish might regroup and then return later, but apparently we

Hey, CC, there's a shipment of nuclear waste coming into the dock. Could you please go pick it up? k thx.

Are they crepuscular? They're probably crepuscular.

At least I died Swift—


Who would make the best Terminator? I'm thinking Brienne of Tarth.

—Title of Amy's sextape!

Little-known fact, Normy: the phrase actually originated at a maple orchard in Canada.

I'm willing to go with it, too. Captain Holt knew that clarification was required after the phrase "the man I love": Holt knew that Jake might think Holt meant Jake rather than Kevin. Then again, there are many types of love, and Jake's toward Holt might be more like Amy's toward Holt.

Alternately, Tom could have simply whispered "Don't you think he looks tired?"

Whereas "War of the Worlds" would seem blasphemous.

There's also some non-zero chance that the show course-corrects —but I doubt that number is high.

—the title of Amy Santiago's sex tape!

At this point, Chayton has missed a good opportunity to kill Hood (at the CADI, right after killing Siobhan—I'm sure someone will defend it and mention the sirens) *and* Hood has passed up a chance to kill Chayton. It feels like they're yanking our chain a little bit; we'll see.

They'll move the police station next to a lake in New Orleans, and the neon sign will say LAC

"the density of lowlives" made me laugh—great turn of phrase.

"Rebeckai"? It doesn't have the nice goofiness of "Reboctor," though…