Okra Winfrey

The grey in his hair was looking particularly good tonight. Dude is weirdly placed along the hotness spectrum.

Looking back, my favorite rhyme was a certain phrase—hint: "tilting"—they managed to rhyme with the word "Richard."

Yu… yu… yu chimpanzee minkey!

That particular line reading is to me the height of late-period Pacino overacting. It surpasses anything in, say, The Devil's Advocate. (Like Nicolas Cage, it's all still interesting and engaging, but way BIGGER than their earlier moves.)

Not now, Cato!

I just rewatched Miami Vice and it did leave me cold. (It did not help that the dialogue was too low in relation to the score, though that might be my computer's fault.) Gong Li, who is of course amazing, gets these awkward lines to read, not only in English but in English-influenced Spanish, and the self-redubbing is

I want a Roger-Rabbit-style ready-made hole that one can slap on any old wall to make an instant escape route.


"I'm sorry, Lana. I'm afraid I can't do that."

Your parents have sisters!? That's how you get aunts!

Since DoFP didn't use it, maybe we get Stump Wolverine.

Nature has already done that recently.

Without her powers.

Oh, so Apocalypse is not Archangeling anybody then…

Or a young Gene, if I remember my Nip Tuck correctly.

I was rather Taken with the original Jean.

I wonder what would happen to the space-time continuum if you used your powers to show Elizabeth some episodes of "Felicity."

Two good things about the night shift: Barsanti, and temporary safety from the onslaught of Esposito stuff.

Both white and obscure? Does that average out to translucent then?

He's actually a gynecologist. Same title as Stephen.