Okra Winfrey

And weirdly the pop-culture references tended to be older than that younger-leaning audience—probably since they were based, I assume, on the creators' youth. It was supported in-universe—Rory conceivably watched all her mother's (old) favorites—but I wonder how the dialogue played to someone younger who might not

Not as creepy as wearing John Travolta's goatee.

I nominate this for Comment of the Year.

Preferably with everyone dressed all in black-and-white and with horses vaguely in the background.

In all seriousness, the first movie had some great imagery, but it suffered a bit from what plagued Sucker Punch: the cool visuals and general awesomeness were not grounded enough in character for me to care quite as much as the guts, imagination, and thoughtfulness put into the spectacle deserved. Maybe let things

The third movie will be subtitled "Man of Steel," and, oddly enough, Stalin WON'T kill anyone.

The Un-Iron-ables?

"It's perfectly innocent! Let me just load up on nature's aphrodisiacs first."

… And we got this notion from Sopranos recaps, probably (the characters would watch the gangster "classics")—and David Chase stole the idea from Shia LaBeouf.

"The Mysteries of Longevity"

"Everything I do… I do to escape Thunderdome."

All awkward or mysteriously-charged car silences should be scored to Phil Collins.

Fox News errata whizzing by in the credits:

"They loved him up and turned him into… a horny toad!"


Fine! Let's have the Carmen Sandiego mullet pictures instead, I yield.

"Classy" guest-stars get banged on the second episode of a two-parter :)

"3 More Days of the Condor"?

"Who stole ze honey mustard?!"

I bet The Beef copied his name off of this guy—badly.