Do You Wanna Build A Strawman

My dad moved here in the 70s, leaving behind a corrupt South American government in an intense drug war. When he left this comment on my voting picture (holding my two year old son), I had to go to the bathroom and compose myself. We are lucky to have this tool called voting. “I came here at seventeen with a dream

I voted for Clinton the Working Families ticket. Because, as this viral twete puts it,

I just... what world are these fucking people living in? Clinton has been held to an insane, nearly impossible standard for the last 20 years, while Trump gets praised from being presidential if he manages not to drool on himself. But Clinton’s the one who got a break.

Guys come on.

My brother-in-law told me last night that he thought Clinton got a bit of a pass during the campaign because she’s a woman, so I’m going to go with THEY’VE LEARNED NOTHING.

I believe “Because we aren’t fucking idiots.” turns it from potential shade to straight reading.

Alex Pareene’s self-important explanation for why he may or may not deem voting in a presidential election worthy of his time was the single worst thing I have read this election season.

Kellyanne told him he could have the password to his Twitter account back as soon as he voted.

“Different viewpoints need to be respected,” he continued, before explaining that the Republican presidential candidate’s positions have been misinterpreted. “When Trump says he wants to ban Muslims, he doesn’t really mean that. That’s never going to happen. What he really means is he wants extreme vetting.”

2015-2016 Warriors points in the paint: 43.8 ppg

What do the Indians have to do with this?

It’s astonishing isn’t it?

“Voting is fine, but it’s not enough about me. How can I make it less about other people and more about my perception of myself?”


Aww. I would have ended this post with

Well, in his defense, tortoises have a lifespan of 150 years, so he is relatively younger.

I really really hope he gets his twitter back soon!!!

This is very informative. I would add:

This is essentially like pulling out when she is 37 weeks pregnant. It’s a tad too late.

I pray for Trump to step on a single Lego every Friday night.