
It’s pretty clear he didn’t understand the story when he describes it as “the importance of knowing whom to trust”. That was not the importance at all. It was a story about ones nature being the driving force for our actions And it wasn’t an “ancient African proverb”. But Mr. Harriot isn’t bothered by the need for

I sense a pattern.

I don’t mean to talk out of turn, but a 34 and 33 year old with a 16 year old and they’re trying to force her into an arraigned marriage?

You realize I’m praising both these individuals ?

And the almighty dollar. 20 fucking grand for your daughter? Rot in hell


“Don’t fuck me, daddy”


As an anxiety puker myself, all respect!!!

3. If the man is bigger, stronger, and faster than you he’s probably going get a hold of the gun and fucking shoot you.

This chick is someone who took being a cool girl to the utmost extreme. She’s an attention whore and Louis Linton is probably her idol.


Not-So-Hot Hot Take: All Customer Review sections need to be destroyed.

No kidding. People find so much as one blurry texture and suddenly the “review” plummets into “UNACCEPTABLE! REFUND ME NOW!” territory.

User reviews are pointless to begin with, so I’m sure that is why.

The way user reviews work on other platforms, they’re rendered useless anyway thanks to bombing/trolling campaigns. We all know this. We joke about it and clench our fists at the ‘idiots who ruin good things.’

Wait... user created reviews, offered to the public, and you can’t figure out why they were pulled? Do you not remember 90% of the Miiverse?

Honestly with a new feature like this its almost more likely that, upon launch, the swarm of connections turned up something testing failed to find in the design of it. I’ve had to roll back some pretty high profile launches before just to play “find the missing index” or “woops, that needed 6 more tempdb’s for that

Because user reviews might as well have 2 options: 1/10 or 10/10

My wife and I split meals a lot when traveling. This is because we’re walking a lot more than usual and need more breaks and because we want to try as many places and foods as possible in this new city.