Eh. The window is small, and my old eyes are giving me trouble these days.
...get the hell off my lawn! XD
Eh. The window is small, and my old eyes are giving me trouble these days.
...get the hell off my lawn! XD
Secret of Mana has been re-released/ported three times in less than a year’s span if you count the PS4/Vita remake as a single event: first in the Switch collection, then on the SNES Classic, and now this. Yet the Switch collection shows no sign of getting localized, the SNES Classic doesn’t support a third player,…
I resent that accusation!
...also, maybe don’t look too closely at your kitchen sink. That drain is totally normal.
Your analysis is ridiculous. The “incorrect” definition of criticism? And to your preference (which is all it is) that criticism be expressed in a longwinded manner; there is elegance in brevity.
I was playing Yuri on Ice music over the ice skaters never thinking it would happen but when it did it blew my mind, HAHAHAHA!
These 2 morons arguing about who’s more popular on Twitch just makes me want to delete my account.
Clearly there’s only one way to determine this; one on one, hand to hand combat!
I’m finally glad that I hit 35!
I got that impression based on the content of Twitch streams that I’ve seen. If those numbers are correct, that’s very depressing.
Ugh I hate that this is newsworthy on this site. I stopped reading IGN over a decade ago because it felt like they were gearing it more towards children. Please, please try to refrain from ramping up your Twitch streamer/youtube star coverage. Is there really anyone over the age of 16 who cares which Twitch douche…
What does it say about gaming culture that two of the biggest ‘stars’ of the amateur scene are famous for being complete pricks to their viewers, their team, and their opponents?
They both look, and act, like complete douchebags.
“Can you really cite your own article about a topic as evidence that something is “making headlines”?”
I know it’s justifiable. They could write only about Twitch if they wanted to. I’m expressing the opinion that I’d rather read about something else, versus manufactured-by-Kotaku “headlines” about things Twitch streamers are saying. It’s just clickbait crap, and the fact that it works and brought us all here doesn’t…
Can you really cite your own article about a topic as evidence that something is “making headlines”? Also, three articles about Doc in 24 hours? Find some video games to write about!
If you’re not smirking at my post, cup of designer coffee in one hand (with raised pinky, lest we appear improper) whilst murmuring, “How droll,” then you’re not nearly bemused enough. ;)
Jesus Christ, man. It takes, like, ten fucking seconds to voice a complaint about an on screen icon. It probably took you longer to respond to this article than it did for most people to say something about the matter. Why do people like you assume that people literally fixate on one thing and one thing only? Just…
Maybe I’m missing something, what does this have to do with how it presents to people that aren’t playing with you?