Uh pray to the big sysadmin in the sky and beg them not to? Well at least there shouldn't be any time to feel fear or pain.
Uh pray to the big sysadmin in the sky and beg them not to? Well at least there shouldn't be any time to feel fear or pain.
My god no one mentions this? And its Canada day even! Shoot if it weren't for this movie and Dudley Dooright, I wouldn't even know that Canada existed!
Awesome list, but you have to have Spock there somehow....
You know I do not understand the creationists' conundrum here. All you have to do is say from our time frame about approximately 4000 BCE, the great system administrator Yahweh L. Elohim wanted to test the effects of a particular mythology on a developing culture. Being lazy or efficient, he takes a snapshot of a…
After a watching that movie for a while it morphs from being dark comedy into an almost documentary.
I love the mention of Strange Brew, but as the finest example of Shakespeare put on film it belongs in the AFI 100 not on this particular list.
Commies can drink man.... Man can they drink... I wonder if Das Kapital has any sections on liver detox.
But your actions say otherwise.
Bert is that you?
Ouch that is like a paraplegic kid with terminal Leukemia taking pity on you. As a lifelong Cowboy fan, ouch!
Leto II wasn't the bad guy ever. He was the ultimate good guy in the series.
I remember something from an NPR news story a while back. It was quoting a working class man whose job was eliminated. He asked the question, "When you only need 10% of society to produce all of society's goods and services, what do you do with the other 90%?" The assumption has been after a difficult transition,…
I owe my soul to the company store....
How can no one mention the Lion force Voltron?
Can we get a double mention for the atrocities called the Baylor and Texas defenses this past weekend? 56-50... I wanna throw up and my team "won" that game.
Yes and we here in Austin have the same love for the University of North Texas at Norman, Oklahoma. :***
You know as a Trekkie I am offended by the comparison to Packers fans. *grin* Seriously though Drew, I felt like you held back on this post. I can feel it surging through those words. "Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering." Let it go, you have anger but you don't use it. So I am…