@yourbuddypal: How often are they on cable? My Saints (I'm a Bears fan too) are on Fox or CBS 14/16 games this year. And if I ditched my dish- I could go to a bar for Monday Night Football.
@yourbuddypal: How often are they on cable? My Saints (I'm a Bears fan too) are on Fox or CBS 14/16 games this year. And if I ditched my dish- I could go to a bar for Monday Night Football.
@van_line: Yeah, but when I was hiring that would offend me quite a bit. Not because you'd be showing me up, but because salary isn't always a black and white thing.
I guess since I run a business, I'm on call 24/7 for emergencies. But in the end, I probably work a lot less hours than the average worker.
Been looking for something just like this. I need clippings of articles for radio shows, and printing an entire page is just far too ink-intensive.
@mac19124: Yeah, I have to agree- I'm not sure what else they're accomplishing here. Hanging pictures is simple. Just plan on paper before, down to the hole, hang, level.
I, too, want an iTunes Lite. I'd like a version that just does the synching. That's it. I don't want to play music, movies, etc. I just want to manage my iPod.
What would they be offering that Netflix and iTunes don't already offer?
@SnusBeorn: I've never heard of "specials" meaning "special price"?
"401k plans are something most employees sign off on their first day and never look back at."
I'm glad everyone's covered the "task switching is not multitasking angle".
I always use "thanks" followed by either my first name only (less formal) or my full email signature (more formal).
Well, privacy concerns for sure... but there is a benefit to having it stored off site.
Ok, I'm confused. Its a line-in jack. Any time you plug audio into the line in jack and play it, it plays.
@supersoundguy: I have to agree. Since the solidification of the standard windows interface around the late '90s... I haven't seen much from any OS/application that really improves upon it. Maybe because you can't. It just works.
How about things like Gawker's videos? They don't seem to use popular services like YouTube, but serve the video themselves?
Ugh. I hate auto-responders! 99 out of 100 of your contacts don't care that you're on vacation, or taking an "email break", or whatever.
It says it requires ACPI (Advanced Configuration and Power Interface)... how does one know if their laptop has that?
Not sure why- even if this wasn't a joke and was accurate- anyone would need this.
VOTE: the ol' dos xcopy in a batch file.