
You know those same people are using Clorox to clean their bathrooms.

I will take my toxins with a side of GMOs, please!

Condemning their children, along with anyone else who is allergic to vaccines or has a condition that suppresses their immune system so they can’t receive them and are especially susceptible to disease.

Hold on, dumbass. You equate the word “thug” as a stand in for the n-word, so you get butthurt that these people are called thugs. But...none of these guys look black to me. They look like thugs. Go back to your safe space. I’m sure this paragraph was a trigger for you, and for that, I apologize.

Dude, there is NOTHING racist about Thug. During some of the race protests people rightly called some of the people thugs, because they were. Then others tried to negate that by saying “thug” was code for the N-word. No. Thug is code for “violent asshole”. They come in all races.

i just can’t look away. im weak...

Haha that eyeroll probably caused internal injuries she was so disgusted by whatever she’s hearing.

I can at least try. We can all at least try. Is that not the point of life, to try?

what in the everlasting hell is going on in this gif? is she having a seizure here? i’ve been watching it loop for about 5 minutes now. it fits my life so well.

I’d rather talk to a sailor than a condescending prick. That's just me.

Maybe read the quote above again? He didn’t say that BLM was the danger. He said not listening to each other was the danger, which you have now emphasized spectacularly


Your mom is a theory.

Fine. It’s close enough to atheism for me.

Actual Gchat I just had with my GF:

“The only true wealth is when you don’t think about wealth.”

Have you asked your uncle what predictions he has in 2012 if Obama was re-elected? And after he is done talking about the end of days, remind him that unemployment is at 4.9%

Let us know how your search for a divorce lawyer goes tomorrow.

LOL. That sounds like a recipe for divorce in my house.

Thank you for writing this article.