
Ok but as a tech site you guys are ultimitely supporting The Rubot right? I know the current model has some glitches, but with system updates or possibly even an brand new version, I am confident that Rubioid 3000 can lead our country to greatness again!

a reason i refuse to have any...

I feel like that dipshit would find a reason to bash third wave feminism even in line at a fast food place. “A chicken sandwich? chicks lay eggs, and women have eggs in their parts, and let me tell you why third wave feminism is wrong, because we should be able to see past skin color, and race doesnt exist, so we can

Bwahahaha. True. That is a lot of raging maniac ego and bad hair competing against one another.

....what the actual fuck did I just read. When 7 black churches in the south are burned down by the KKK in a single weekend, and the police refuse to arrest anyone, or even investigate it, and that same weekend, police kill half-dozen unarmed black children and women, across the south, some over fucking parking and

Get off my digital lawn.

Dominionist Christians respond to power...not facts or truth.

He died three years ago, so to the extent there’s any consciousness around to have a self image, I suspect rotten has a role in it.


Zombie McCain is awesome sauce.

Don’t forget Clint Eastwood and his Chair-talk shit show . . .although, blessedly, he wasn’t a candidate.

I beg to differ.

What an asshole. Clothes! Imagine! Oh yeah I forgot, sex workers are all brainless bimbos who exist in fantasy mode 24/7. They aren't moms or writers or college students or activists or partners or friends. Just a collection of holes, tarted up for your amusement. Fuck this guy.

So as a Jewish person I’m not quite so moved by that piece of his identity given his reluctance to claim it (he recently described himself as the son of Polish immigrants). But I don’t begrudge someone else who is moved by that line of reasoning. And the socialist bit certainly would be historical but I think it lacks

OMG RUDE. First you fuck my wife and then you don’t even change the toilet paper roll!! ANIMALS.

no, six. It mutated and grew an extra one.

“Stealth” is a bit rich; he is simply saying in full sentences the same dumb shit that the rest are making guttural noises about.

Something, something, conspiracy by camera manufacturers, something, Obama.

Well if we let teachers all carry guns then gun murder would go down and especially preschooler deaths. Overall we need more guns to get gun death rate down. Also those countries are different from us so they do not count.