
you seem nice.



strange fact - i was friends with him in the early 90's. he took nekkid (arty) pics of me in the streets of the east village. then a couple of years later when i asked him to sign the pics, fucker ignored me. sad.

“There was actually a period where he only communicated through his ‘art.’ He would send Barbara and me a text that said ‘Going on an airplane’ and would do a stick figure of an airplane.”

i suppose you’re gonna say they’re all about being macho, racist, domineering assholes. well, you’ WRONG!!!9!11!!!

do you at least visit people in the hospital after you give them aneurysms?

racist idiot is idiotic? nice username, btw.

May I, perhaps, venture a boom, myself?

let me voice my opinion, then: you’re a big, fat, stupid idiot. thanks for letting me get that off my chest!

I never said america is terrible. i implied that racist fucktards like you would have head explosions if we had a muslim secretary of state. looks like i was right.

1000% muslim secretary of state. please, baby jesus, PLEASE!!!!!


yea, his writing is outstanding.

funny, i thought you were our friend darrell.

Many teens with troubled parts have turned their lives around and became contributing citizens. Whereas you’re an irredeemable shitstain.

going back to read their discussions, both kinda creep me out. just follow the current iteration of tomato, if you feel like it. he changes his burner daily, but kinja automatically updates it for you.