
Set Darrell free, you monster. #darrellslivesmatter!!!

Sorry you're a humorless, self-important jerk. Good luck with that.

yup. i suspect tomato is, altho claiming to be a hillary supporter, secretly a bernie supporter. oh, well, nobody is perfect.

it is worth knowing. it is the best thing about gawker. brief history - tomato face was this troll’s original burner, but he’s created many since. my understanding, surely limited, is that he dislikes and likes to torture sanctimonious people, so he’ll start off by saying something that’s just a bit off. someone will

Also, Donald Trump is the TF candidate.

the point, eileen, is that it was a bullshit list. that she took seriously. it is not possible to take that list seriously.

learn kinja. that will help.

you truly are too fucking much. good job.

2 things the internet is good for. gawker, and boobs. not necessarily in that order.

you’re a number 9, aren’t ya?

i only take organic arsenic, myself.

i smell... ketchup?

it was a freakin’ joke. give it a rest. you bernie bros sure are idiots. sheesh.

sorry, can’t cater to your delusions.

i’d be less than lukewarm about it. imagine if they became interested, and took a look at some of our leaders. ted cruz? donald trump? bernie sanders? they’d wipe the species, us, in a nano sec.


do you know why there are two bon mortes? they seem to be the same character....

eh. 2/10. and i’m still not 100%. in fact, going down to 60%ish. maybe even 50/50.

maybe i haven’t been around long enough. i came on the scene with darrell, who i haven’t seen do any harm. but this bon morte character certainly seems vile. (if erudite)

he has his hilarious moments, dude. he has had me cry from laughing so hard.