
There have been thousands of deities throughout the ages. But I’m sure yours is the actual one.

Replies is where the trolls live? Say it ain’t so!

Fuck you and every one like you. You’re making the world worse.

i’ll give you that.

no. when i listen to ted cruz, the over-used meme of wanting to punch him wells up in me too. whereas i have no trouble listening to hillz, even tho there are many things i don’t appreciate. nice try, tho.

he can’t quit soon enough, but how did you come up with next week? dying to know.

jesus fucking christ on a broomstick, what’s the matter with you? i’m speechless.

makes one miss sarah palin.

Waggle away, my friend. Mine too.

i thought of exactly the same thing. thanks for doing the work.

it is not a schtick. it is a game. with winners and losers.

indeed. the native americans had it worse than the blacks.

too obvious. dial it back a bit.

Plus, honor of being nominated, without actually doing the work?

Choose icloud drive

i have an iPhone 6S Plus. if you have a current OS, you have free online apple storage. compile a gif library, post from there.

yes, you can. i do. unless you have a flip phone. or a land line...