
Pretty sure Latveria looks like it's never moved past medieval times because that's pretty much how American comic book creators imagined Eastern Europe in the 60's and 70's. Hell, judging by Avengers: Age of Ultron, they still do.

The Fantastic Four didn't make me want to see another FF film, but it definitely made me want to see a full-on body horror movie directed by Josh Trank. The scenes where FF discover their powers and Doom goes on a head-exploding murder spree were truly unnerving and would have been amazing in a different movie.

Man, those Mighty Max playsets were the great. My mom refused to buy them for me at first because she thought they looked too dark or satanic or something. I guess she either forgot or didn't care later on because I eventually got the dinosaur one and the scorpion one.

I love Walk Hard so much. The soundtrack is stellar too!

I want to see Michael Mann directing True Detective season 3.

Childhood's End is such a great novel and I loved (the original) Life on Mars. This being Syfy though, I'm still afraid they're gonna screw it up.

I never cared about Universal Soldier movies before Regeneration. Day of Reckoning was awesome. Why isn't John Hyams a bigger name already? He should at least be directing Hannibal, True Detective or something.

Pretty much same here. I watched the first episode when it came out and I didn't like it - for some reason it felt to me like the show was trying to be too edgy in Seth McFarlane type of way. After a year or so I finally gave it another chance and I was like, ooooohh. The show is much smarter than it might seem at

TV Party tonight!

The first season wasn't very good, but I still watched the whole thing for some reason. The guy playing Manson had zero charisma. The ending was anticlimatic as hell. David Duchovny's character was basically a cross between Hank Moody and Fox Mulder.

Hah, I was just about to bring up the Finnish localisation of Gladiators up too. Toni "Viikinki" Halme used to be in the WWF too at some point. I think his character was supposed to be Russian.

At some point they were considering Marilyn Manson and even Howard Stern for the role.

Vigilante movies, especially the really questionable ones from the 70's and 80's.

Make this instead of Prometheus 2. Ridley Scott already had his chance to revive the series and he failed. Bring in the fresh, new blood who grew up on Alien series, like they're doing with Star Wars.

Funny, isn't it. The original trilogy had mostly unknown actors (at the time), yet they managed to give us much more memorable acting than, say, Evan McGregor, Samuel Jackson, Natalie Portman and Liam Neeson in prequel trilogy - great actors who should have given us memorable scenes but couldn't because of horrible

So this movie isn't about the 90's straight edge hardcore band Unbroken? Bummer.

People have been complaining about the kid but I'm pretty sure he's supposed to be super annoying. It really makes you feel the main character's frustration.

Parallel Monsters was cool. Otherwise this one was awful. Fucking Bonestorm? I can't believe that one was directed by the same dude who did Resolution.


They're gonna release Twin Peaks in 3D.