Down Lowbama

Scarily enough, I understand what you are trying to say here. And therein lies the problem with 'hate crimes'.

He forgot the punchline where straight white people are the only people who can serve extra time for committing the same vile crime as anyone else.

She's probably already erased the Matthew Shepherd thing from memory since it turned out to be his gay drug dealer that offed him.

Unplug, smoke a spliff, and step outside to enjoy the beautiful temperate summer. And thanks for proving my point.

Stupid liberal repeats stupid things he is told to repeat. Otherwise, he just makes meaningless statements without any form of rebuttal; admittedly, you ARE stretching your capabilities, so bully for you!

Crimes should only be perpetrated on people you like or love.

That's a liberal thing. They don't even know they do it. The victimization switch just…won't….shut…

"On the subject of “hate crimes”: It’s very, very interesting that this
show would have a crime perpetrated against a white person called a
“hate crime.”"