Downhill Dude

The worst is when you are convinced it’s “just gas”, and you let one go, but it wasn’t gas after all, and you have to change your shorts...

Seems a tad lame to proclaim you’re making a documentary series about the history of pop culture sci-fi, and spend more time on the present, than the past. And I don’t think interviewing actors who have played a role in one, or more, sci-fi blockbusters really lends any credibility to the project. They read lines that

Ya, had the same thoughts. They kind of seem like the last characters that would modify themselves. That’s like saying you aren’t tough enough, or smart enough, and so you have to cheat the system. Seems like that would go against everything they stand for. The only way you’d potentially get away

You want “so awful it’s good”? Mega Force, with Barry Bostwick. It is so terrible it’s effing hilarious. I laughed so hard I had tears rolling down my cheeks. Love when he’s flying on his rocket motorcycle, and his hair isn’t disturbed by wind, whatsoever. And those outfits!!! OMG!

O-o-o-o! I like number 4, because that frees us from any constraints of our current perceived reality. I could be changed into a character from one of my favorite cartoons, like the Simpsons, or Futurama. Wouldn’t that be cool?! Futurama World! That’s my vote!

FYI/PSA: All 16 episodes of Starlost are on Youtube.

Stay in school, kids!

Technically, The Men In Black was done by Aircel, which was later bought by Malibu, which was (as you pointed out) subsequently bought by Marvel Comics.

That is literally the only positive thing in LIS. The music! The show is terrible in every respect (OK, the CGI is pretty decent, as well, but that’s it). I guess I could give a bit of a break to the actors, because the problems largely stem from the script and its crap dialogue, lousy character consistency, etc.

Oh, thanks for reminding me of the American Red Dwarf... I had successfully put that out of my memory, but you just made me throw-up in mouth, a little bit. I think any attempt to remake the Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy would not turn out well, either (the movie wasn’t awful, but wasn’t as good as the original

Totally! Lots of better choices.

I think I have all of those comic mags somewhere in the basement...

Well, can’t agree one bit with your positive outlook on the LIS reboot, but I’m with you 100% on all your other considerations. UFO has fantastic potential, but so did LIS, so it’s not a slam-dunk. For the love of everything worth a damn, don’t give it to the team that is doing LIS!

I’d have to say “No”, if you’re at all critical about having some “science” in your science fiction, or if formulaic, predictable script writing annoys you. If you ask yourself, “who the hell would ever do that” when you see two people take a 3-minute interlude from saving their own lives, during a critical,

Could work...

I’m all over that! Great idea! A-list actors, and budget for proper treatment of special effects, and you’ve got a hit. Well, assuming they don’t dumb-down the dialogue.

Wait until you get to the end of episode 10. That’s timing that is hard to believe...

Then they got lazy at your boyfriends place. OR-R-R, they’re a bunch of racial profiling scumbags. Could be both...

I would humbly submit that it is tailor-made for kids/people who have the ability to suspend disbelief to a level required to accept animated dishes and flatware a la live action Beauty and the Beast type levels. Also, the ability to tolerate predictable, formulaic script writing that will insult anyone who has a

And are you completely sure that there was not even ONE person known to police, who resided there?