
Oh please. Trump is a terrible President and an even more terrible person, but he did not have one thing to do with this.

My kids school does ‘blackouts’ and people just wear black t shirts. No one paints their faces and bodies like this. No one.

Sort of a dumb question- how long do they have to implement the class size caps? In my mind, in order to reduce class size you have to have two things- classroom space and a qualified teacher to work there. Is the issue lack of teachers (due to teacher shortage or lack of money to pay them) or class space? Will they

He does have that strong sock game, remember?

Dabo is a New Spring mega church devotee and I believe he has gotten (read into that what you will) many of the players to attend there as well. It’s gross

These are the same people that do Facebook check ins at church on Sunday mornings.


What?? You mean you don’t serve your Honey Mustard on the finest silver? You peasant.

This. It’s just so tacky.

If Trump actually paid for this with his own money, I’ll eat my shoe.

This is completely accurate.


Hand to God, this is my favorite thing ever published on Gawker Media.

My husband got shingles on his scalp. The only good thing was it didn’t rub against anything, like clothes or sheets. Otherwise, it was pretty terrible.

Eww. That makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up.

Forever to Thee, my friend. We will be back.

This is exactly why I resisted the doctor putting my daughter on it. She was lazy about using the prescription stuff to start with (she’s a teenager, duh) so let’s use a serious, powerful medication? I am a big believer in medicine and the power of science, but that stuff is scary.

Exception: Catherine Zeta-Jones had massive emeralds happening.

I agree. It is encouraging that the new class of Congress is diverse and young, but they need to rise to the mantle of the office they hold and act like grownups.

Yes, perhaps. But they are smart enough to not do it at a public event on a live microphone.