That's not a concrete block. Thats a rock breaking the surface of the water.
That's not a concrete block. Thats a rock breaking the surface of the water.
Check out Flickr for more Panther pics!
"but I was test-driving a new model (can't say which) in traffic with no place to pull over."
In all honesty, I kind of like it! Seriously, this is camouflage but which one would attract the most birds? All the standard red ones or this strange offspring from Ferrari? I think it would look better on the road then parked.
But is this the same car? I wonder, cause the car in the link provided in the article has only three doors on the right side and this one has four. It could very well be that these cars were build for the same duty but are two different examples. Seems a bit odd to do a full restoration and in the meantime also add a…
It's great they try to make different models but come on! Why such a Frankenstein monster with normal doors at the front and gulw... eh... falconwings at the back??! It's flesh nor fish.
"You did really well." The hell you did!!
QED: Republicans are idiots.
Welcome to the world of SOPA. I guess this is just a small taste of what's to come. Enterprises that can block content of competators, although I don't see the reasoning why the NFL did this.
I think the highest survival rates should be found in the supercar territory. Admittedly, you don't see that much examples on the road but the criteria is a bit vague. If you judge by rate only, I think a few Ferrari series could be in the 90% region.
The motherload.
That damn Mack asphalt machine is still alive!!!
Volkswagen would be in big, big, big trouble if SOPA/PIPA laws were in effect.
This crash was only partly to blame on the crane driver. According to residents and shopkeepers in this area, this intersection is very unsafe. There's also astop sign in the direction from which the crane came but that was obscured. Luckily the streetcar comeing from the same direction of that red Volswagen Golf…
"We can only ponder exactly when and why these military vehicles were abandoned in the woods and hope someday we come across something this cool while out for a nature walk. "
For realz!! It's a Flux capacitor!! Only thing to do on the list is beef it up to 1.21 gigawatts!!!
An amazing work of art and also quite touching. Maybe an idea for Ford to exchange this paper example for the real thing. This is a marvalous object for them to exhibit in Detroit.
Must be somewhere in the Netherlands. the asphalt is dual colored, the red part being the bicycle path, and the licence plate is also Dutch, old style white on black. Seeing the licence plate beginning with either AM and DE means they were both imported from abroad.