Funny, how you discard the box office success of Avatar, which pretty much answers the question if people cared about the movie and might care about a sequel.
Funny, how you discard the box office success of Avatar, which pretty much answers the question if people cared about the movie and might care about a sequel.
Pretty much like the time between Star Wars Episode III in 2005 and the anouncement of Episode VII in 2014. Before the reboot, the broader public wasn’t publicly pining for yet another sequel (outside the usual Star Wars fan clubs of course), but once a date and director had been anounced, the hype started again and…
Oh and since you edited in that second part that essentially equated homosexuality with pedophilia, you can promptly go fuck yourself.
So if the bible wasn’t written by God or Jesus, and we haven’t had a “prophet” (aside from the homeless guys hanging around downtown yelling things) since then how is there any surety in what Christianity even is?
Genesis 19:1-13; Leviticus 18:22; 20:13; Romans 1:26-27; 1 Corinthians 6:9
I’m sorry, I missed the part in the bible that said homosexuality is ok. Care to point it out?
Thanks for clarifying this, the article and the picture suggested it was just trophy hunting, but clearly there is more to it.
Nothing contradictory about being a hunter and an animal lover if you’re hunting in a state that practices strict predator/prey population control. They keep a census of wildlife populations and only issue enough licenses to maintain a sustainable balance. Hunters are part of the wildlife conservation effort in…
Yeah, this author seems to have an abundance of dating opportunities. I looked her up on google images, and she is quite beautiful, if not completely passing. Yes, I can understand how many trans women will never truly be embraced and loved by men due to their orientation. I also understand that many heterosexual men…
Jew can say that again!
what a shitty take. Maybe Tebow just did that for perspective, b/c he’s left-handed and wanted to get a look at the pitcher from the side he would, you know, actually be hitting from. Because he’s an inexperienced, insecure player facing a steep learning curve. A bit unorthodox and not something that’s really done,…
Look I’m just gonna say it - as a cis man whose never gotten the chance to “fuck till dawn” (and is now likely too old anyway) this piece seems like a bit of a humble brag.
Thank you so much for sharing your story. Its interesting because as an overweight/obese woman, much of what Nomi has shared are similar to things I’ve felt or experienced. Feeling like someone doesn’t want to be seen with me, wants to hide me from other people because I am not what society accepts as standard…
Holy Balls!!!! Albert, stop talking about Tebow. Your obsession is getting old.
This kind of hit home on different levels.
Are we just going to ignore that under Obama earnings stayed flat for all but the top 5%? K.
He wanders to the other team’s on-deck circle to get more undue publicity...that he was already getting?
Having sex on the job is not, and has never been a criminal issue. It would be grounds to fire him (and I presume the company already has). Being at work has no bearing on a criminal case. If he had simply picked her up as a friend, the criminal behavior does not change one bit. This is about rape, not some guy…
Why are non-adults being allowed to change their sex when they haven’t even fully matured?
Ain’t got that kind of time.