
Except for, you know, the large group of Italian descendants who live on The Hill and the 25+ Italian businesses and restaurants rated tops in the country. The Irish community in Dogtown. Or the 50,000 plus Bosnian community (largest group of Bosnians outside of Bosnia itself) in and around South City/Bevo Mill...but

Is LA really still that butt-hurt over all the playoff Ls the Cards have put on the Dodgers? Awesome, it feels nice.

Well, that’s just absolutely false. Way to go... I’ve never heard one person here refer to Italians as ‘darkies’... ever. There’s that coupled with the large Italian population in St. Louis. Ever heard of ‘the hill’? Nice try on the fake news, clown shoe, but STL has a great Italian heritage.

You have obviously never been to an Italian soccer match. European racism is FAR worse.

Holy shit, I’ve been living in St. Louis for over 20 years and never realized that all of the food we had here was shitty. Thanks Mike Piazza for completely dismissing an entire city for arbitrary reasons!

Except that there’s a cherished Italian neighborhood called “The Hill.”

I know right! Fuck that guy’s family and their grief!

Let me guess, liberals will be applauding the death (murder?) of this man because of his disgusting thoughts and vile hate speech, but they will cry & protest the death of a minority who has committed a dozen felonies in his past (including violent felonies) and died because he was in the process of committing another

I didnt say breaking in. I said walking in. If the door is open and someone walks in then its not breaking and entering, its trespassing.

They are people who are in the country illegally. If you believe they have a right to stay, when you get some random person walking into your house and deciding to live there, I seriously hope you don’t call the police.

I like dick but okay

So brave

You think deporting illegal criminals is awful and heartbreaking?? I feel like Im taking crazy pills

This bill so being pushed by a Democrat controlled state legislator dumbass

But this is a Democrat bill. They control the legislature.

Illinois is a shithole, run by career, corrupt politicians. At the forefront are Cullerton and Madigan. The best part, the Attorney General is Madigan’s daughter, so no one goes to jail, except the governors.

Unfortunately, Democrats hold a majority in the state legislature. So....they have no one to blame for themselves for this one.

“Great, now liberals are trying to ruin football. Back in my day, you’d just rub some dirt on it and get your ass back out on the field!”*

The mystifying thing: The state legislature is Illinois is controlled by Democrats.

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