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Why is nobody bringing up Qaddafi’s 2009 UN visit, when he literally camped out on an estate owned by Donald J. Trump?

According to Wikipedia there are 19 predominantly Muslim nations, so I can’t say that he isn’t doing business in the other 12, but it seems like a stretch. I do agree that most countries including the US are too soft on Saudi Arabia for sure. Also, he didn’t make this list, so there’s that.

No. The ACA conveys it’s intent, Obamacare is just a nickname that doesn’t infer contents of the bill. “Immigrant ban” inaccurately infers something that the executive order was not.

I think I’m done here for now. It was good while it lasted! Not that it matters to any of you that I’m leaving but I feel that I speak for plenty of us when I say that the amount of this rather one-sided political babble, barely related to cars, has gotten too high. Road & Track, Motor Trend, Car & Driver etc. will

Even Dale Earnhardt Opposes the Immigration Ban on Several Predominantly Muslim Countries that the Obama Administration Decided were Imminent Threats To the US and Banned for 6 Months in 2011.

This site has gone ___ minutes without a politically charged post.
The best previous record was ___ minutes.
Do your part to help make a new record.

Fixed. C’mon, have some integrity.

I know him! He’s not funny.

Hear me out. Please read entirely before you judge. I am a conservative who voted for Trump. I support everything he has done so far.

Wait? Y’all have been calling it a Muslim ban. Wouldn’t that be bigotry, not racism? You can’t be racist against a religion because religions are made up of people of different races.

Its interesting seeing how much my fellow citizens care more for people who are trying to get into the country than those of us who live in the country already.

Yes. I hate Trump as much as the next guy, but Hillary was an incredibly weak candidate. The Dems whiffed on that.

Alternately, the Democratic party could feel kinda bad for putting the second-most disliked canddiate in history against the most-disliked candidate in history...

Fuck Hillary that loser. All Trump is doing is what he said he would

Just keep telling yourself that asshole.

Guess what — I am one person, and my state was decided by millions. My actions had no consequence. You fuck.

The exception is for people under religous persecution - but good job characterizing it to fit your agenda. There is plenty enough wrong with the executive order without mischaracterizing it.

Yeah, all of that is in my comments above. Shi’ites are a religious minority in that region so they would be included when I mention “other religious minorities”.

Yazidis and other religious minorities are not Christians. If you think Christians and Muslims are the only religious groups in the region you need to educate yourself. Also, of course the majority of people killed by Daesh are Muslim. The lands they control are +90% Muslim.

Other Muslims are the most affected by Daesh because there are many times more Muslims in the areas they operate. This doesn’t change the fact that Daesh carrying out a genocide against religious minorities. I’ll prioritize those facing genocide all day. Will you not?