
I don't know what you were going on about so I googled up this lawsuit I was in no way talking about and came to the conclusion that you're reading too deep into this.

It's a word swap of the bank analogy, it shouldn't be that hard to understand.

No, since that ignores the point.

"If there were people who had no business taking loans, there were also banks who had no business trying to sell them one."


Just call it a "retro" screen and the hipsters will throw their money even harder.

Tradeoff being no or next to no sidequests.

Though any normal person without rape, rape and rape on their mind would probably realize Cave wanted Caroline turned into a big computer, and add 2 + 2.

I can imagine people pawing their 120 inch future tv's with both hands in frustration trying to control a fps with multitouch.

From what I understand you're saying it's horrible because "think of the children" then trying to say it's liberal as if that's a good thing, that's confusing so I'll just take them on one at a time.

Ashley at least gets more tolerable when you can replace that stupid pink barbie armor that can't be taken seriously.

I really don't get why some people like the guy, the only memorable thing I know about him is that he is a baby and wants you to know that he's a baby.

Because responsibility and consequences are conservative ideals, not liberal.

Android doesn't have a set screen resolution, iirc it's vector based to scale to different resolutions.

I'd argue the most anticipated standard-setting superphone for the (now) most widespread OS is more relevant than a refresh of the aging iphone 4 that merely catches up, still falling short of samsung's phone specwise.

I can't really disagree to that, doubt anyone left or right could, if you pay your end of the contract the bank better damn well do the same or face the law.

The wall street thing comes off as more an unfocused witch hunt by people who don't understand the things they oppose, or any practical solutions, not a very good example of how to bring about change.

It may be simplified but at least we can all but guarantee at this point that the quality isn't going to just dive off a cliff like DA2, also Bethesda's lead writer doesn't look up to Twilight as the future of writing. Bioware's problems are alot worse than just trying to "streamline" things.

bigĀ·ot (bgt)

For now they'd just get louder, scream about their rights and spit out random 1984 quotes, at least until OccupyWallStreet is over and the hipsters fly back to San Francisco.