
Dressing up censorship as progressive thinking is never the answer. You'll never change someone's mind if you can't even recognize their right to exist.

Despite your apparent expert knowledge on tasers and guns, a taser isn't a reliable replacement for a gun, if you know how short their range is and how inaccurate they are, and how many shots they have (1), there's a good chance the officer wasn't even aiming for the kid's head.

That wouldn't really stop what's happening, Apple's trying to ban Samsung from competing and Samsung's now doing the same in retaliation, it's not really about making money off a settlement as much as how the settlement can damage the other guy.

Anonymous already helped the Zetas with the border police breaches, giving out identities and families of some of their their enemies.

Not much they can do to some kid in Iran. Keep in mind essentially everything "Anon" is famous for is spamming -websites- with what's basically baby's first ddos tool and snooping around for sql bugs and hoping the site just vomit passwords with the right url. They rely on the incompetence of others to get anything

The idea of dinky little Iran controlling the internet as stupid as it is isn't much more ridiculous and impractical than what "activist" anonymous wants. In an anarchist world nerds and hipsters who faint at the sight of a gun would be the first casualties of natural selection when deprived of the constant protection

The idea of dinky little Iran controlling the internet as stupid as it is isn't much more ridiculous and impractical than what "activist" anonymous wants. In an anarchist world nerds and hipsters who faint at the sight of a gun would be the first casualties of natural selection when deprived of the constant protection

We currently are playing the same game over and over, the cover based shooter and the third person cover based shooter, all with the same mechanics.

In other words they made this slightly tasteless trailer (not nearly as "offensive" as stuff Dave Chapelle did on slavery) so big babies would get pants-shitting-offended enough to call for censorship and try to TRACK DOWN THE UPLOADER IN REAL LIFE and find out that yes it is fake.

Last I checked the DMCA worked that way, Youtube doesn't get leeway to check claims.

No it won't, Youtube has to follow the law no matter how many times you commit perjury with fake claims.

They filled out a form on Youtube claiming they owned it and demanding it be taken down, it's that simple, and by law Youtube has to obey or be sued.

Piracy killed "real" music, with actual music sales next to dead, the music industry adapted rather than died, the moneymaker now for music is concerts, radio, and marketing. That means Beibers and Lady Gagas, lone models (idols) with music and branding built around their image.

I doubt it's so much about people being genuinely offended as much as people seeing an opportunity to BECOME offended for attention or profit.

They basically took the bits and pieces that were left by 3D Realms and taped them together, it wasn't really their game, just someone else s trainwreck they packed and sold.

I feel sorry for your kid, he's missing out on the most important part of childhood, fun.

And no one with the power to change things can do or say anything about it without being branded as a racist or race traitor and losing their career.

I've seen alot more segway cops in China then I'll ever see in America or Canada.

Probably by poaching artists from Square Enix.

Not the best time for race baiting Jstribtpt.