
I would have to give it a B, but I think "Flutes" is the best song of 2012 so far.

You make more money touring these days than putting out an album a year, so I doubt we will ever see that again. 
M83's Midnight City is as close as we will get to what you describe as a modern day Blue Monday. Except its aiming for euphoria more than menace. And although M83 started way more soundscapy, definitely

You make more money touring these days than putting out an album a year, so I doubt we will ever see that again. 
M83's Midnight City is as close as we will get to what you describe as a modern day Blue Monday. Except its aiming for euphoria more than menace. And although M83 started way more soundscapy, definitely

This band to me is like Thomas Pynchon's Gravity's Rainbow. Something I know I definitely should like, but usually manage to lack the patience for.

This band to me is like Thomas Pynchon's Gravity's Rainbow. Something I know I definitely should like, but usually manage to lack the patience for.

You should listen to Cut Copy, then. If you don't catch the verses the first time, don't worry, they repeat them.

You should listen to Cut Copy, then. If you don't catch the verses the first time, don't worry, they repeat them.

I am pleased to announce that if you type "it's german" into google, it auto-predicts the remaining "for the bart, the"

I am pleased to announce that if you type "it's german" into google, it auto-predicts the remaining "for the bart, the"

Their last 2 albums and a 2007 performance sent me straight to sleepytown. This new album still sounds like Beach House but the dream just got a lot more fun. Still can't dance to it though, or even imagine seeing them live standing up.

I always assumed Starfucker was about Marilyn Manson

That and the Bela Karolyi lookalike! 

I love the youtube commenter that thinks this is the Chicago Bulls theme song.

Other than Sneaker Pimps not so much, it had everyone mentioned in the above article, and Orbital even did the theme.

They're not saying "psychedelic fucking"?

I would put Basement Jaxx's Remedy on this list

See also: The Jackal soundtrack
The Run Lola Run soundtrack
The Saint Soundtrack
Spawn soundtrack (actually, skip this one)

But we're not allowed to listen to any artist that has the word "rock" in a song title.

Thank you! I've been trying to place that all week

"I can't do the splits no mo!"