Doug Radcliffe

When I was growing up I used to see Plain Jane G-Wagen's all the time, always in some sort of dull green or beige and often towing a horse box. Can't say I've seen a non AMG one for years, now. Anybody know if we still get the Plain Jane models over here in the UK or are we limited to drug dealer specials like the US?

I'd be a lot more tempted to sympathize with the guy if he didn't keep saying that they want to do something for "artists and musicians". That sounds like a pretty select group, when he says "artists and musicians" I hear "me and my mates", rather than the Detroit community as a whole. I've spent my fair share of time

Something that really gets me about road rage videos is people's willingness to stop and waste minutes arguing about something that held them up for nanoseconds. What's the point? Someone did something that annoyed you, that's already happened, arguing about it with strangers isn't going to change that.

I thought it was generally accepted that the emissions from older cars are actually less harmful to the environment overall than the pollution caused by the manufacture of new cars?

Cars are not a strong feature in the infrastructure of most utopias.

I'm totally with you on this. I have no personal experience with them but I really appreciated that it looked, to me, like a Jag, in the same way that a 3-series always looks, in many ways, like a mini 5-series.

God, they're beautiful. There is one other curvy European of the same era which I think comes close (if we're accepting that a back-to-front sedan is still a sedan)

The real bargains in terms of purchase costs over here are big engined, high status vehicles like this. When I was younger the market seemed to be flooded with V12 Jags selling for less than Ford Fiestas of the same age (not even exaggerating), now it's X5's and the like. If you've got something special like an M5

Much less than that. £5000-£6000. Add to that that these ones are that bit older and the fact that everybody wants the diesel not the gas guzzling V8 (if you can afford to fill the tank you can probably afford to buy new) and you've got yourself one hell of a depreciating vehicle. Don't get me wrong, the ones I linked

Er, non.

Still got a grand left over for repairs. If all it needs is a starter motor you're laughing.

I hate to do it because it's an SUV and an automatic, but it meets the criteria nicely. It's quick, it's big enough for fast entry and exit by crew carrying weapons and loot and it doesn't really stand out from the other traffic on the road. While I would naturally gravitate towards a fast sedan, there's some

I believe the S8 was one of the vehicles that was particularly sought after by criminals at one point, or maybe I just love Ronin. Not sure which.

I really feel like you're not trying with these modified cars. Now an El Caminoed Trooper with some good off road mods, I can see the Jalopnik commentariat going for that, or a souped up S60R with either no aesthetic changes or (better) actually made to look more like a base model, fuck yeah, but that Volvo looks like

My first thought at seeing that still was "But, that's an Audi A6".

We all know that this will be used far more on tarmac than off, hammering round the Nurburgring sounds like a fair way to push the limits of on road handling.

Me too. I'm a little sceptical to be honest, like if we'd seen the unedited video we would have seen a hell of a lot of winch and strap recoveries by vehicles (my guess would be Defenders) wearing much chunkier tyres. That said, I've never actually ragged a vehicle on big alloys and road tyres off road, so maybe I'm

I'm pretty sure any vehicle is more off road capable on off road tyres. I gotta say, I'm amazed that those wheels and tyres can take that pothole test in the gif.

Oh please, no. He'll just be crying the whole time.