Doug Radcliffe

Can we stop pretending that the US is so radically different to the rest of the world, please. I've never been to Tahiti but I can tell you for sure that Thailand (which doesn't really qualify as a "small place" unless we're only comparing it to US/Russia/Canada/Brazil etc, which I would argue are big places) has fast

"electronic locking diff". For this reason alone this car will be miles (literally, if you like) more capable than many bigger vehicles with much more truck like appearance. All the ground clearance in the world isn't worth shit of one wheel is spinning freely and the others won't move. I also like this "crawler gear"

I'd misremembered what sort of crappy coupe it was, it was a Vauxhall Tigra, based off a Vauxhall (Opel) Corsa. I'm not too fussed what they do with the remaining killer, to be honest, I certainly wouldn't be shedding any tears if somebody did off him, but as long as he's not free to do anything like that again I'm

I'd love to say that never happens here but the circumstances you describe did happen here once, I don't think he got the chance to defend himself, though, I believe they hit him with a car first (a crappy little FWD coupe based off the Ford Fiesta, if memory serves). The lunatics responsible are no longer a threat

Right with you up until the unnecessary Islam bit at the end. If your American friends are uncomfortable around people of other faiths then that's their problem. Most Americans would be fine with the mix of cultures we have here, the US is pretty diverse, too.

I don't recommend doing "the most violent thing possible" to anyone in the UK. We have laws against that sort of thing.

Fair play to that bus driver, he honked before I spotted her, even the second time I watched the video.

To say communist would be accurate, but Soviet is a Russian word, to use it while speaking English and talking about China is definitely incorrect.

Er, did you just call the Chinese "Soviets"?

An Autocars Sabra would seem perfect. It's from Israel

Hi res photos and some details on the cars you find, please. Also, you might be able to answer this. That Rambler American there would be a really rare car over here in the UK, I find it hard to imagine it being worth anyones while dumping one, it would've gone straight from nearly new car to classic without going

I'm from out in the sticks so I've never used Uber. What sort of people tend to become Uber drivers? It seems to me they have to invest a fair bit (their cars) into the whole endeavor. Who invests that much in what seems like such a shaky profession, what with the threat of $2000 fines if a taxi cop (?) pulls you over?

"an upright citizen has a basic civic responsibility to check on his fellow human beings, and even provide a statement to the police."

Cue commenters that don't know where to find their dipstick saying things like: "Land Rovers are unreliable, I know because my brothers friend had a Discovery for a couple of years back in the 90's and once the battery went flat"

When I look at this Passat, especially the side view, I see an Audi at the front, a BMW in the middle, and a VW at the back. Anyone else?

I really like it. I mean, I've never been in one or anything, I live in the UK so the very concept of a massive, V8 wagon (with fucking wood paneling!) seems hopelessly exotic to me. My partner and I do plan to do a N.America road trip one day, and I really hope we get to do it in a piece of Americana like this, I

An average of 2.5 sausages per person per day. I guess they're eating sausages a fair bit.

Well I hope you like windscreens, then, because one day you might see one coming up on you. Fast.

Hotly debated topic, that one, but in my limited experience I would say RWD, largely because you can use the handbrake to "trick" the diff into sending power to the wheel that has traction.

Wouldn't that be your friends aunt?